And It Just got a lil More Dangerous

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After that stressful meetin' with the PO, I spent most the day chain smokin' and killin' zombies in Resident Evil. Not at the same time, 'course. I've been behaving around the house. Today I even did the dishes and swept the kitchen floor. I want Chev to believe in me so bad... I'm so tired of bein' just this loser with 'potential' in her eyes... I kept thinkin' bout how she said she was finna let me have sex with her once I got a real job. Did this girl want me for real or is she just fuckin' around with me? My feelings are gettin' in this and I needed to know... But I need her to be in a good mood when I approach her with this so I made sure the coffee table was all cleaned off and the living room picked up and I sat there from five until five fifteen when she came walking through that door. I couldn't contain myself. I jumped off that couch and greeted her with a hug right at the door.

"Hey baby, how was work?" I lean in to kiss her and she accepts this time without even the slightest bit of hesitation.

"I've got good news for you." She said as she passed by me and headed to the kitchen.

"Sean Milam is movin' out the country?" I asked as I followed her in there and leaned up against the pantry. She shook her head no and laughed a little and then got distracted by something.

"Oh my God! Did you do the dishes, Michael?!"

You woulda thought a nigga just won the lotto. I nod and she runs over to me and gives me a hug. Her lips land on mine again and the way she kissin' me, I can't help but lose control. I growled into her mouth as I took her face in one hand and grabbed a handful of dat ass in the other. She was gettin' pretty handsy too and I had to pull away once I felt her hand grabbin' at my ass. "Don't be comin' on to me like this, unless you wanna fuck, girl." I was dead serious with her as I stared into those eyes. It's like she's fuckin' teasin' me and I don't like it one bit. She looked away and tried to move past me but I side stepped right in front of her blocking her path. Her eyes were turned up to the ceiling with that 'I'm so done with this nigga' look on her face. But I was not done wit her.

"Fuck this 'until I get a legit job you gonna let me hit it.' Do you want me Chivonn or not? Cause if you just ain't that into me, stop leadin' me on this way!" Stay cool, Jackson... It ain't no reason for your temper to be rising right now she ain't even said a word yet! I closed my eyes letting those words set in.

Her eyes finally let mine and her expression changed. "Do you want me Michael or is this just about sex...?"

"Woman..." She was finna make me say things I ain't ready to admit yet. I never have been good at all those mushy words and shit... So I just took a deep breath and let it go. "Nevermind... what's this good news?"

I moved away from her and let her walk past me. She went straight for the fridge and spoke with her back to me. "Nevermind." She mocked in a tone as harsh as mine.

"Whatever." And I left her ass alone. I walked out of the house and called Jackie to come pick me up and take me to my 'spot.' An old abandoned schoolhouse. It was creepy as hell in there, but it was the only place that I was guaranteed not to be bothered... and for the first time since I been out of prison. I danced. And danced until my muscles couldn't take it anymore...

And the next morning I got a call back from an application that Bryan had put in for me at Wal Mart.


Wednesay and Thursday were uneventful. Michael never did answer my question. Did he want me or was he just looking for someone to have sex with? Someone to release his 2 year pent up sexual frustrations on... In fact, it seemed like he had been avoiding me entirely. His brother came and picked him up Tuesday night late and he didn't come home til after I was already in bed and he did the same thing Wednesday and Thursday.

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