Jealousy the Poison

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Friday October 11, 2013


I sighed to myself as I stuck my keys in the ignition of my car... I'd make it through the day. I had to... It was Friday after all and then I'd have the weekend to recover from the breakup. I can do this. I turned the key over, starting the car and glanced up in my rear view mirror as I put it in reverse.

A pair of brown eyes met with mine through the mirror and just like that his arms came around the headrest of my seat grabbing my throat.

"You think this is over?! You really think you gon' just leave me like that?!" He growled in a husky voice.

I gasped for what little air I could get through my closing airways. "M..Michael..."

He replaced one of his hands with a blade. "Get out of the car. Slowly..."

I did just as he commanded and he exited the vehicle at the same time. As soon as my feet hit the pavement, I darted off down the side walk running as fast as I could.

"Get back here!! Chivonn!! Bitch I'mma fuckin' kill you! Don't you run from me! You'll never get away from me!"

I kept running and running... Suddenly there was a hole in the ground. I saw it, but I couldn't stop my feet in time and I fell through.


I awoke with a gasp and sat up in bed. I was short of breath as if I'd really been running. My stomach had just done a flip as if I was really falling. Oh my God... I rubbed a hand down the side of my face and realized that I really was sweating.

Oh my God... it was dream. Just a stupid dream. Michael's not that crazy drugged out psycho anymore. Obviously he doesn't give a damn about the break-up. He let it happen so easily. There's no reason for him to get crazy... Calm down, Chivonn...

My alarm went off loudly almost making me scream. My hands trembled as I hurriedly picked my phone and stopped the loud noise.

I walked into the bathroom and stared in the mirror. I looked like I had seen a damn ghost. I threw some water on my face and rubbed in a facial cleanser. The more awake I got the more I realized my fears were stupid. Michael would never hurt me like that. I'd give him two days max before he starts begging me to take him back. I don't have anything to be afraid of... I don't have anything to cry about...

This will pass.

I took a quick shower since I had sweat so much last night and dressed in my business casual attire, pulling my curls back into a neat bun. I gathered my purse and headed downstairs for the usual quick breakfast. I stopped at the last step and slowly leaned forward looking around the wall. The first thing I saw was the coffee table littered with about six empty beer bottles and I didn't need to look any further to guess what I'd find on our couch.

Michael was sprawled out, limbs going in all directions. I didn't technically kick him out, but I highly doubted he'd actually stay... I couldn't see his face as it was covered by some of his hair and one of his arms. He was still fully dressed in his clothes from yesterday. I hurried past his sleeping form and into the kitchen where I tried to rush my yogurt breakfast cup down. At 7:45, just five minutes before I am usually out the door, I heard his cellphone go off. The sound sent a chill down my spine. If he woke up, we'd have to face each other this morning...

Sure enough I heard him curse and a glass beer bottle tip over on the coffee table. The ringing stopped and moments later I heard the front door open and close. Probably going out for his morning cigarette. The next five minutes passed by so fast as I attempted to wait for him to walk back in so that we wouldn't have to have an awkward encounter. It usually doesn't take him more than a few minutes to smoke in the mornings... I waited a few more minutes.

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