A Complete Missunderstanding

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Saturday October 12, 2013


I held my head as each beat of the bass sent another shockwave of pain through my throbbin' head. Last night sure ain't go as planned, that's for sure... I gotta fix this...

Though Don wanted us in the studio every day, Felix and Trey claimed that they don't come in on Sundays. That gave me all day tomorrow to make things right with Chivonn starting tonight as soon as I get up out of here.

"You a'ight, man... you lookin' a little off color today." Trey said slapping me on the back. I could have punched that nigga in his face. Ugh... even my whole body was achin' and sore. I didn't know if I was hung over or if I'd made myself sick over Chivonn again. It's so crazy that she could do this to me... I ain't never been so desperately weak for a woman before. I mean I've been desperately crazy, but never just... powerless... like this. My body can't even function right without her.

I cringed waiting for the ache to subside a little before I answered. My voice was weak as shit it was good we wasn't recordin' vocals... "I'm good man... I went a little too hard last night's all." I mumbled softly.

'Lady in My Life' was presented to Don and he loved it and wanted music to it as soon as possible. Which is what we were doing today though it killed me reading those lyrics and thinking of Chivonn.

Thriller was pretty much a wrap and choreography started next week. The rest of the dancers had already practiced the standard routine, but just like the song, I knew I was gonna have to add my flavor to it. The week after I'mma be headed to New York and I wish I knew for sure if I was finna be going alone...


Risa and I hung out all day at the apartment with Bryan, Cynthia and the kids. Bryan ran a few errands and even did the grocery shopping, but for the most part he stayed around waiting for Michael to show up, but he never did...

He didn't blow my phone up...

There were no reason posts from him on any forms of social media...

I was afraid to admit it because I know both Risa and Bryan would jump down my throat, but I was worried about him. I could hear both of them 'You made us go through all this and now you wanna go out lookin' for his crazy ass?! Uh uh.'

Risa was checking her phone and kept looking towards the door. I knew she was ready to head out, but something was holding her back. I sat down next to her on the couch, the kids were playing nearby on the floor.

"If you're ready to go, you can Ris... I really don't think Michael is going to do anything now. He probably never was to begin with, I think we all kind of overreacted..." I said with a soft laugh. She spun her head towards me and her eyes bugged out.

"Are you serious, homegirl?! Did you not see him raise his fist at me?! If CJ hadn't of been there to stop him, dude was gonna punch me right in my grill. And who knows if he woulda stopped there. Chivonn seriously... don't start preparin' yourself to forgive him. You need to let him go. At the very least until his life is on track and he's had the help he needs."

It was my turn to stare at her wide eyed. I was not expecting that last part to come out of her mouth. I was pretty sure she never wanted to see me with Michael again. Or him with anyone who made him happy because it seems like she wanted nothing more than to watch him be miserable.

"What?!" she asked when she caught me looking at her.

"Nothing... you're... you're probably right. It's just still... I just don't want to see him do anything to get himself hurt or to get locked back up. I know him Risa. The real him that he doesn't let many people see. He's not this person that he tries to be. I've been hard enough on him. I think I can at the very least hear him out and let him know where I'm coming from. Once we've both said our peace, I'm sure things will be fine either way."

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