Case of the Ex II

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"Michael! We don't have time for this! Get up!" I said pushing him until I shoved him entirely off the bed. He groaned and picked himself up off the floor slowly.

"I couldn't sleep for shit last night..." he said rubbing his eyes as he drug his feet out of my room and into my bathroom. I winced as I heard him stumbling around in there it sounded like he had knocked something into the sink.

Today is Tuesday and he has to see his PO. I hated Tuesdays because ever since I had been going out of my way to take him there, I had been at least a couple minutes late to work. I hate being looked at like the slacker.

He came back out a few minutes later, the toilet flushing behind him.

"What's wrong?" I asked him pulling my black blouse over my head and then grabbing my grey blazer. I pulled on some matching grey dress pants and slipped my feet into some black pumps. "I felt you tossing and turning."

"I don't know..." he sat down and blinked hard a couple of times as if trying to wake himself up more. "Shit... Maybe you should give me some morning head. That'll wake me up, girl."

I turned to him with the dirtiest expression on my face. He gave me a weak eyebrow raise.

"Or not..." he held his hands up surrendering. He yawned loudly and laid back down on the bed. "Can I call in sick to my PO?"

"I don't know. I have no idea how that stuff works... but you need to figure out what you're about to do NOW. Because in about fifteen minutes I'm walking out the door."

He whined and picked himself up again walking carefully down the stairs and into Bryan's room. I went down to the kitchen to grab my quick breakfast. Michael came out of Bryan's room dressed in a black long sleeved button down and nice jeans. He glided across the kitchen floor in his socks like he was on roller skates and slid right into me bumping his crotch against my backside purposely. The new cologne he bought a while back filled the room.

"Who you trying to smell good for?!" I said mocking his jealous attitude. He jabbed his bony fingers into my side making me drop my thankfully unopened yogurt cup.

"My PO. I'm tryna get her to let me hit it." He thrusted his crotch against me again while I was bent over picking up my yogurt cup almost sending me head first into a somersault.

"I'm sure she can add the extra two minutes to your session." I said as I stood up. I braced myself to be attacked by those fingers again, but instead I was met with a stone cold serious face and then a cold shoulder. "Oh come on! It was a joke..." Sure it was a low blow, but he usually has a better sense of humor than this.

"Fuck you."

That harsh tone stung a little bit. And seriously?! Any other time he could take a joke. He's gotta be just messing with me... I sat down at the kitchen table and inhaled my yogurt before grabbing my purse and jacket and heading for the door. Michael was already outside smoking his cigarette with a mean expression on his face. I looked him up and down and he looked me up and down slightly furrowing his brow.

"You know what, asshole. Find your own way to your PO's office." I stormed past him heading down the sidewalk.

"Seriously, Chivonn?! What's your fuckin' problem?" he called after me flicking his cigarette in the yard and taking a few steps towards me.

What?! I spun around and just stared at him. He's insane!

"Oh my God. What's my problem? I'm the one with the problem?!" My voice raised a few octaves nearly squealing the end of that sentence out.

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