The Last Ride

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Tuesday October 15th


Lord, if you there... help me cause I ain't got the patience for this shit... I sat in the waitin' area waiting to be called back to see my PO. I needed to get in the studio now. It was the only place I could go where I could to forget about Chivonn.

I got no sleep last night. My stomach all in knots and shit. No appetite. This girl's got me on some withdrawal type of shit... But we can't keep doin' this. I already know shit ain't gonna change overnight with my family situation. It would be the least selfish thing for me to do, lettin' her go. She don't want to be tied up in this mess and she shouldn't have to be. It's my mess to sort out and I'm finna handle it.

But for however long it's gonna take, it's gonna kill me inside not havin' her as my girl.

"Michael Jackson." The lady called and I drug myself out of my seat and to the back into Kim's office.

She glanced up at me and then did a double take. "Are you sick, Mr. Jackson?"

"Nah... just broke up with my girl last night." Ain't no use in avoidin' the subject. I'd rather her know that then to assume I'm in a withdrawal off some drug.

"The demands of fame too much for her?"

I rolled my eyes in the back of my head. I ain't in no mood for her bitchy sarcasm today. "You gon' see Mrs. Kasper."

A little smile showed on her lips and I thought I even heard a laugh. She then tossed a magazine in front of me. Down in the corner was a little article named 'Artists to Look Out for.' I sat up quick and leaned forward squinting hard to see what it said in the small print. There was also a picture inside a studio. It was me! And there was information about the concert in New York.

"No shit?!"

"Language, Mr. Jackson."

"Sorry... Man... how'd you find this?!" I didn't take her to be a woman that read black entertainment magazines.

"One of the other ladies in the office found it and brought it to me." She answered. I laughed loudly. I've got to show this to Chivonn!

My mood dropped... Or not...

I sighed heavily and then just brushed it aside. It wasn't like I was on the cover or nothing. Most people would probably just over look it anyway. It wasn't a big deal...

"I underestimated you, Mr. Jackson. It seems like you're more serious than I thought about this." Damn! The way she was lookin' at me... Was that seduction I saw in her eyes? I bit my lip and openly looked down at her cleavage.

She cleared her throat loudly and glared at me.

Guess not...

"Yeah. It's all I been doin' lately. Just in the studio and stuff..." I said with a small smile.

"Well, good. I'm glad to see you keeping busy. Has anything else been going on that I should know about?" she asked turning her eyes to her computer screen.

Visions of my dad's warehouse and me delivering the shit to CJ fast forwarded through my mind.

"Nope." I lied. She eyed me for a moment. I was sittin' back in the chair with my legs wide open and I know I saw her glance at my crotch. If I wasn't so sick over losing Chivonn right now, I'd put my game on for real and have Mrs. Kasper over her desk in the next ten minutes. I know she wants me.

"Just keep me in the loop as far as things go with your new career. If you need to change residencies again, I need to be the first to know. And if you're leaving the state you will want to get the process started as soon as possible."

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