Shutting Down the Gossip Girl

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I let Michael sleep for about three hours. It was now after five o'clock in the evening and we were meeting Risa at the sushi bar at seven for dinner. I drew random shapes with my fingers on Michael's bare chest as I listened to his heavy breathing. Poor guy sounded like he could barely breathe. Not only that his body was very warm. Here I am laying here soaking up his warmth when I should really be putting a cold cloth on his head. I sat up slowly trying not to wake him up, got myself dressed and went into the bathroom and dampened a wash cloth with cold water. I came back and gently placed it over his head. He winced slightly and his eyes fluttered open.

"Let me see if we've got a thermometer. You're warm baby. You might have a fever."

A lazy smile spread across his closed lips. He stared at me for a moment and then said. "It's that pussy. It gives me fever."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You are a joke." I stood up from the bed and headed to the door. Before I could walk out I heard Michael say.

"You love it. You ain't catch fever from this dick?"

I laughed again. "I don't know... it hasn't been in me long enough..." I sneered at his jaw dropped expression before opening my bedroom door and stepping into the small hallway before the stairs.

"Oooooh!!! I'mma make you regret talkin' that shit, girl!!!!" I heard him yelled out. Well he sure didn't sound sick.

I walked into the living room and Bryan immediately side-eyed me as I walked by. "Really, sis?" I just shook my head and kept walking. The blush crept up on my cheeks. That's the first time ever that Bryan has heard me have sex with a guy. I don't know which one of us could have been more disturbed him or me. I found a kid's thermometer in Bryan's room and took it upstairs to take Michael's temperature. It was right at 100 degrees.

"I'll live, baby... quit this nurse act. Unless..." he grinned seductively. "You want me to play doctor..." His eyebrows shot up and down.

"No, I think we've disturbed Bryan enough."

"Aw shit, he heard?"

"Uh yeah..."

Michael grimaced and pulled the wash cloth off of his head and sat up. He threw his black T-shirt on and quickly put his bottoms back on as well.

"Are you sure you're ok enough to go out? I mean we don't have to..."

He cupped my face in his hands and brought my face close to his. "As much as I'd love to play hooky and skip this hellish little evenin' you got planned with one of my least favorite people in the world... I know its whatchu wanna do so that's what I'm finna do. I'm pussy whipped, girl. The power is yours." He said staring at me with wide crazy eyes.

"You so goofy..." I said smiling at him. I was happy that we could both get back to normal so quickly. I just hope it stays this way.

He crossed his eyes at me. "Just don't get mad if I turn into an ass."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You better be on your best behavior."

"Tell that to your BFF. Lemme go downstairs and get all sexy for ya. If Bryan don't black both of my eyes again for fuckin'...uh... makin' love to his sister in his house." He grinned mischievously at me before heading out of my room and down the stairs. I straightened out my clothes and re-did my hair and make-up. By the time Michael was showered and sexy it was time to head out.


It was getting cooler outside so that gave me an opportunity to wear one of my famous jackets. Ain't nobody else can pull off some shit like this. It was a military style jacket with a red band around the arm and a big graffiti design on the back. I had my red and black Che Guevara T-shirt underneath of it, black skinny jeans, and some high tops. No otha nigga can pull it off like I can...

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