Wally World & Redemption

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As soon as I stepped foot inside the store I had this sick feelin' that I was about to hate my life soon. Too many damn people up in this joint. All I can hear is the commotion of people runnin' around squeaky carts rollin' everywhere, bad ass kids screamin', annoyin' voices over the intercom... The niggas didn't even tell me where I'm supposed to go...

I made my way to the back of the store behind the electronics and through the door labeled 'employees only.' Aaaannnd this job just got a whole lot harder... "Michael Jackson?" a nice lookin', fun sized little brown skin girl walked up to me with a blue vest in her hands like she had been waitin' on me. Shit, I was still ten minutes early.

" 'eah, dat's me." I answered taking the vest from her as she handed it to me. I unfolded it and looked it over. It was just a plain dark blue vest with the Wal Mart logo on it. Hers had a bunch of other pins attached to it, employee awards and other girly shit on it.

"My name's Amaya." And a beautiful name too?! I cringed and she made a face back at me. "Are you ok?"

"Uh... yea, I'm good." I threw on the vest over the grey T-shirt I had changed into after seein' my PO. Amaya's eyes travelled down to my nice jeans.

"Those are good jeans, but we have to wear khakis. It's a new rule so stock up on those." I cringed again. This nigga don't wear khakis... ugh... She laughed at me this time. "And make sure you keep a smile on your face!"

I gave a weak smile. She walked up closer to me and gently grabbed a hold of my vest, clipping my name tag to it. She straightened it neatly and patted my chest lightly. "There! You're all set. Now, see that clip board over there? You need to fill out all of that paperwork and sign everything. It'll probably take you a while to get through it all, so I'm gonna go get some work done and I'll be back in a while to show you your assigned departments."

I looked at the thick pile of paper jammed into that little clip board. "Coo... a'ight."

"See ya." She too chipper, tho... I already feel like she gonna be the one gettin' on my nerves. I sat down and got to work on the papers. It's been a min since I've had to fill out a tax form, I didn't know what the fuck to put on that shit... I sat there for what seemed like an hour goin' through all the papers when I heard that chipper voice again...


I waited around outside of Sean's office. He was busy with a client, but it sounded like they were about to wrap things up. Maybe if I sincerely apologized on Michael's behalf he would forget this whole thing? That was probably wishful thinking, but I had to try...

Finally the old man in his office emerged and I walked right in after him. Sean let out a heavy sigh as soon as he saw me.

"Can I help you, Miss Rockwell?" his tone held no sincerity what so ever.

"It's back to formalities, I see..." I mumbled quietly. "Um, actually I just wanted to talk to you for a minute, do you have like five minutes to spare?" I asked timidly.

"If this is about Mr. Jackson, I've already said my peace. If he does not come to me by the end of the week, I will press charges. You'll eventually thank me... Once he gets put away and you realize that you're better off." He opened a drawer on the inside of his desk and pull out a file tossing it on top of his desk. Some of the papers slid out and I could see a mug shot of Michael on the corner of one. "Take a good look at this file and tell me if this is still the man you want to be with."

I just stared at the file. I didn't really want to see the contents... I doubt it change the way I feel about Michael, it would just make me feel worse about feeling the way I do.

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