Seeing Red Again

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Somewhere in the car, I swear I heard a record scratch.

"The FUCK!?!" I took a deep breath and looked the other way out the side window. I couldn't even look at this bitch right now or I swear I'd choke her to half to death and then we'd both die in a car accident.

"It was when you was gone for four days straight and no one could get a hold of your ass. I called Bryan and let him know that you had been hella paranoid lately and was missin'. I told him how scared I was for my own life that if there was someone out there lookin' for you they'd show up at my crib so he let me stay with him. I was stressin' hard so he offered me a hit and a drink and one thing led to anotha..."

"You a damn lie!!! Bryan would neva..."

"What I got to lie for?!" she hit the gas flyin' down the street. One thing I don't miss. Fightin' with this crazy bitch while she drivin' and nearly killing our asses. I held on to the 'oh shit' handle. But that didn't stop me from goin' at her.

"Cause you a triflin... shit stirrin' BITCH. You ain't happy with yo life so you gotta find ways to fuck with someone else's."

"A'ight then, nigga. You ask Bryan."

"Trust and believe I will."

Her phone let her know to make a left turn, she took it sharp sending my head into the passenger side window.

"Bitch you better drive right or I swear to God, I will carjack you in this mothafucka."

"Then yo ass gonna be lookin' stupid sittin' behind bars again. Trust and believe, I'll be the only bitch dumb enough to take your calls. You know Chivonn won't."

"Exactly the only bitch dumb enough to. Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't want a dumb bitch in my life? If I really did some stupid shit like that and got myself locked up again I don't deserve nobody takin' my calls. Chivonn is smart enough to know that."

"Mmhmm... talkin' big now, but you sounded hella small inside of dat pen."

"Just quit talkin' to me, ho. You betta hope Bryan tells me it ain't true... cause if you really did fuck with my best friend behind my back like 'at... You already high up on my shit list for sellin' all my shit..."

"Oh what you gonna do, Michael?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and just stayed quiet the rest of the way and then nearly breaking her damn door slamming it as hard as I could as I approached the tall office building.


Instead of calling or texting Risa on my lunch break like I usually do, I called Michael to see how his meeting went.

The phone only rang one time before he picked up.

"What's up baby?"

He talked so damn loud! The other people in the room could hear him through the phone and shot me dirty looks so I picked up my bowl of salad and walked out in the hallway, with my phone lodged between my shoulder and my cheek. I'd just have to eat lunch in my fishbowl with everyone watching me eat. I'm sure Sean told people around here about what happened. He was now playing the heartbroken victim. Michael hated that I worked here with him and honestly, it might not be a bad idea to just start looking for another job. One closer to my goal of being a Business Leader.


"Yeah, I'm here. How'd your meeting go?"

"GREAT!!! Baby, guess what?! Nah... before we get into that wait til you hear this shit Keisha tried to feed me today."

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