The Streets be Callin'

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I came home from work on CLOUD 9! I couldn't believe I just had a lunch date with the Sean Milam. I walked through the door with a smile on my face. The townhome was empty, but the coffee table was trashed as usual and the kitchen sink was overflowing with dishes. It couldn't touch my mood today. I loaded all of the dishes into the dishwasher and began my preparations for a nice meal for the guys tonight. Because I'm in that good of a mood.

I called up my best friend Risa and held the phone between my shoulder and cheek as I got out my cookbook and read through some good recipes.

"Hey girl!" she answered the phone sounding as chipper as I felt.

"Girl, guess what."

"What's up!?"

"Sean Milam asked me out to lunch today." I said as I came upon a spicy chicken stir fry recipe that made my mouth water. I began digging around seeing if we had the right ingredients as I kept my phone in place.

"What?!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and I had to stop what I was doing to hold the phone out away from my ear. She had been to my work before as a client to have one of her speeding tickets reduced by one of the other lawyers there and she'd seen Sean.

"Yeah! He was soooo nice, o.m.g."

"O.M.G." a voice behind me mocked. It was Michael standing there holding two small bags of fresh laundry. I could tell by the smell dryer sheets. "That looks fire! Are you cookin' this, girl!?"

"Who was that?" Risa asked me hearing Michael in the background.

"Our roommate. I'll call you later and give you details." I quickly got off the phone with her before Michael could say anything to embarrass me. He was still looking at the picture in the cookbook.

"Are you finna cook, Chev?!" He asked again like me cooking was the most unbelievable thing in the world.

"Yeah, I just so happen to be in a good mood today so don't ruin it." I said gathering some vegetables and setting them out on the counter. I pulled out my cutting board.

"Need some help?" He sat down his laundry bags out of the way and walked over next to me. I looked at him like he just grew an extra eyeball between his two.

"You finna help me!?" I mocked him like him helping was the most unbelievable thing in the world. He rolled his eyes and then smiled that charming smile as he lazily leaned up against the counter.

"Chivonn's got jokes?!" His eyes widened and his mouth even dropped open a little for dramatic effect. I couldn't think of a witty comeback quick enough so I just laughed.

"Get the chicken out of the freezer and start thawing it."

He was on it. He found a large bowl in the cabinet and filled it with water and placed a few pieces of chicken in it. I was already cutting and preparing the vegetables. I'm a fan of steamed rice so I brought out our rice cooker and got it going.

"So, what was you all o.m.g. about on the phone? Who's this soooo nice nigga?" Michael asked leaning up against the counter next to me with his arms crossed eying me. He even had on my brother's cologne which I find weird... but it smelled different on him.

I started to say 'none of your business,' but who would Michael tell really. "This guy I work with."

I heard the front door open and close. Bryan came into the kitchen. When he saw me his eyes bugged right out. "Chev you cookin' tonight!? That's what's up, sis."

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