My Dog has Behavioral Issues, but He Plays Well With Children...

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Michael was taking his time as usual. I had dinner on the table already and he hadn't shown up yet. I looked up at the clock to see it was about fifteen minutes after six. I gently woke Davea up, changed her diaper and placed her in a highchair Bryan kept folded up in the back of his closet. He kept some of his kids' things just in case. I guess I could give him that much credit. He even had a brand new box of unopened diapers her size.

Darrius really needed a booster seat but Bryan didn't happen to have that. I guess I'd have to hold him in my lap and eat...

Just as I finished draping a large bib on Davea, I heard a knock at the door and my heart still did that stupid little flutter. I hurried to the door with my nephew on my hip. I pulled open the door and was met with Michael's big smile, but instead of him pulling me into a hug, he pulled Darrius right out of my arms.

"What's up, lil dude?! You probably don't remember me, do ya? It's Uncle Michael!" He lifted my little nephew high in the air, gripping him under his armpits. Darrius just squeal as Michael tossed him in the air once. It made me a little nervous. He lowered him and placed him over his shoulder. His eyes finally landed on mine.

"Hey beautiful." He leaned into me and kissed me on the corner of my lips. "What's that I smell?" He walked into the kitchen with Darrius over his shoulder and I followed close behind him. Davea was sitting in her high chair looking tired still.

"Aye there, cute stuff." Michael said tickling her under her chin. She smiled and giggled showing off her cute dimples. She was a doll, she had the longest eyelashes.

"I made spaghetti." I said darting over to the oven realizing the garlic bread was still in there. To my relief it looked to be just the right amount of well done.

"Looks good." Michael said. "Ready to eat, y'all?!" He sat down and put Darrius on his knee. I sat a plate of spaghetti in front of Michael and then a smaller plate near Darrius and gave them two forks a baby one and a regular one. I sat down beside Michael with Davea at the head of the table diagonal to me.

I stared at Michael as he twirled a few noodles around the baby fork and brought it to Darrius's lips. How nice it was, I didn't even have to ask him to help out he just walked right in here and got to it like it was natural to him. He made an airplane sound as he pushed the fork into his mouth. "Aunt Chevy, knows how to cook don't she?"

"Aunt Vonvon." Darrius corrected.

"Vonvon." Michael repeated glancing at me with a smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes at him and proceeded to chop up some noodles to spoon feed Davea. "So I heard some gossip on Turrrika."

I laughed. "What?"

"Her new man caught her stealin' money from him. She ain't sure what he's finna do so she skipped town. Told someone she's just gonna let Bryan raise the kids for a min. She knows he'll probably end up runnin' back to yo momma's place and they'll be safe there." He said quietly before sending another airplane into Darrius's mouth.

"Wow..." It was the only thing I could think of. I didn't put it past her...

"I got that from Latoya so she's probably exaggeratin' a little, but either way she did leave town." He said.

I just shook my head as I began to feed Davea. After dinner Michael helped me bathe them in Bryan's bathroom. He knew how to make bath time fun. In fact he was having so much fun that his shirt was soaked by the time we were done. Terrika had left them with a suitcase worth of clothes. We dressed them in their pajamas. I pulled every toy I could find out of Bryan's room and put them in the living room so that they could play for a while. It was now just a few minutes after eight.

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