Impending Doom

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Thursday October 10th, 2013


I tried my hardest not to look like a complete mess here inside my fishbowl. I didn't want to give Sean any reason to come in here and bother me. I'm sure he heard about the drama in South County and would know that Michael was involved.

He didn't come home or call me last night and my only attempt to call him went straight to voicemail. The spiteful part of me wished he was dead or being held hostage somewhere because if he had deliberately not called me... I'm done. I'm not going to live like this...

Michael thinks he's going to live in both worlds? Music artist by day, thug by night? Where does that leave space for me? He's not even thinking about me... Risa is probably right. I need to get the hell out of this fishbowl, get the hell out of the apartment with Bryan and start my life anew with Chivonn in mind.

To top it off, our lease was up in January. New year, new job, new home, new life...

I left work at my normal time, managing to avoid any unwanted attention, swung by my mom's to get my niece and nephew and then waited for Bryan to come home so that I could tell him what's up.

I had just started dinner at six when I heard him coming through the door. "Daddy!" Darrius cheered and I could hear Bryan roar as he picked up his soon and then coo softly at Davea. He brought them into the kitchen with him.

"Smells good, sis." He commented. "Homemade macaroni and cheese too?! What's the occasion?" He sat Davea in her chair and placed Darrius in his lap. Darrius began racing his little car loudly on the kitchen table.

My heart rate quickened slightly. I loved my brother dearly and wanted to help him as much as I could... But this right here? Cooking him dinner and caring for his kids; is something that Keke needs to step up and do if she wants Bryan in her life. He's better off moving in with her or having her move in with him.

"We need to have a talk."

"Uh oh." He said. "If it's about Mike, hey I warned you. Joseph ain't no punk, man... To hear all the shit that went down last night..."

"Wait... so you heard from Michael?" I spun around turning my back to the stove.

"Yeah he was here dis mornin' bout right after you left and some chick picked him up in some fancy car. Said he was headin' to the studio. The rest of his family left town. They ain't tryn'a be around in case someone decides to retaliate. Which I don't think they left anyone alive to do so..." Bryan shrugged as if what he just said was casual conversation. I just stared at him before blinking one time slowly.

"He was here?!"

Bryan's eyes shifted to the side and back to mine. I could tell he was thinking 'uh oh, I done got my bro in trouble.' "Uh, yea..."

I turned back to the stove, shaking my head as I stirring aggressively at the pot of gravy I was cooking.

"Well, he hasn't said shit to me. I didn't even know he was alive!"

"He on Joseph's radar now ain't no tellin' what he finna have Michael doin' next. Betta leave that alone, sis... " Bryan said nonchalantly as if it were just that easy for me to walk away now even if I should. I bit down on my lip to keep the tears from falling.

"Is that what you was finna tell me? You guys callin' it quits so he ain't allowed to stay here no mo. Cause I'm coo wit dat. I don't need Joseph's goons swarming around my shit. 'Specially wit the kids being here now. I mean it is why I brought him here in the first place to keep him away from all dat... but it's too late now."

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