On the Wrong Side of Town

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Michael fixed up his sheets and started shedding his dress clothes down to a pair of black satin boxers. I took off my shoes and my leggings but kept on my long shirt. I jumped as I felt his cold bony fingers brush the skin of my stomach as he attempted to take my shirt off from behind me. I resisted and he moaned in disapproval.

"C'mon, baby girl... I wanna feel your skin on my skin..." he murmured in a husky tone. I reluctantly gave in let him slip the baggy tunic off of me and it hit the floor. I hurried under his sheets as if his mother could walk into the room any minute. He chuckled behind me as he wrapped his warm arms around me, giving my backside a little hump. "Mmm... girl..." he whispered winding his hips against me again. I could feel him growing hard through his thin boxers and my barely there underwear.

"Michael stop." I whispered, giggling like a teenaged girl who had snuck into her boyfriend's bedroom.

"Why? My momma already knew what was finna go down when I brought you in this house. She don't care!" He moaned again as his hands found their way up under my bra and over my breast.

"It's disrespectful! Your mom has always thought of me as the 'good girl.' I don't want to change her impression."

Michael moaned loudly cutting me off. I don't even think he was really listening to a word I was saying. I felt him reach down and pull at my underwear and release himself from his boxers. I felt that hard flesh rub against my backside and my arousal began to pool between my legs. I had to fight it! Not in Mama Katherine's house!

"N..no!" I screeched in a whisper voice. Michael grabbed my hand and spread my fingers out pointing to the ring he had put there earlier.

"You see dis? See dis right here? By accepting dis here ring you gave up your right to eva say no to me." He said letting go of my hand and reaching down to finish pulling my underwear down. He only succeeded in getting them down around my knees, but he seemed satisfied with that.

"Then maybe I'll take it of..."

Michael climbed on top of me so fast like some kind of animal and pinned my arms above my head.

He buried his face in my armpit licking it with his tongue and I did all I could not to scream out in laughter, but at the same time I was a bit disgusted and flattered at the same time. He loved me that much? I don't care how much I love someone I'd never lick an armpit...

"What was that?" he asked daring me to say more and then he kissed me with the faint taste of my own deodorant on his tongue.

"You're so nasty..."

"I'mma show you nasty." He let go of my arms and moved lower, pulling my underwear the rest of the way off. He grabbed my left thigh and placed the softest kisses against my sensitive skin, trailing up higher and higher... I lost all further ability to fight it off as I felt his lips reach their destination and his tongue dip into the wetness that I had been trying to hide. His tongue rolled against my core and he held my hips firmly, pressing his face as close to me as possible, putting as much pressure into it as he could. He moaned, humming as he placed his mouth over me and sucked at my most sensitive spot. The vibrations of his moaning were driving me insane. My body shook with a tremor... I was about to cum already.

"Nngh... I'm gonna..." He lifted his face from between my legs and grinned at me. I gasped and growled in frustration.

He hushed me by pressing his lips against mine, moving them slowly. It was the softest, most tender kiss I'd probably ever gotten from this normally aggressive man.

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