Don't Shoot to Kill

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Don't Shoot to Kill


It was Saturday night at about seven in the evening. I'd left home hours ago to shop with Risa. She and I had just got back and were just kickin' it at her place making plans to go to the club later. Technically, even though Sean was showing interest and I was totally into him, we weren't a couple so I could do all the clubbing I wanted to at this point without feeling guilty about it. I had just bought a complete, super cute outfit too with the extra money I'd have since Michael was paying our rent next month.

Risa lived in a house owned by her father. Her father remarried some wealthy woman in West County and moved out there with her. His house was paid off so he gave it to his daughter which was awfully nice of him, but the place constantly needed work done. It wasn't the nicest house on the block, but it was livable. Risa's taste in interior decorating had really spiced up the small ranch style home. We were up in her room trying on the new outfits we had just bought. My cellphone beeped alerting me of a text message.

"Who's that?" Risa asked as soon as I picked up my phone and unlocked it. The way she asked was like she already knew.

Sean: Hi, what are you up to tonight?

I looked up at her slowly and smiled. I couldn't help it.

"Ugh! Girl, tell him you got plans." She rolled her eyes. In that same moment her Wiz Khalifa ringtone began to play.

"Hello?" She turned her face to the side as she listened to the person on the phone. Her head whipped back around to face me and her eyes went wide. "Oh word?! Shit! Hold on." She held the phone away from her mouth.

"Someone just got fatally shot outside your apartment, girl." She her lips were moving a mile a minute. She then held the phone back up to her mouth.

"Did they say who? What'd they look like? When did this happen? Did you call Bryan?" her voice sounded like someone had turned it on 2x speed. "Oh ok, no Chivonn's with me. Ok. Keep me posted." And she hung up and tossed her phone on the bed. I began stripping out of my new club outfit and reached for my normal clothes all while calling Bryan at the same time.

He answered right away sending a cool wave of relief through my body. "Bryan where are you!?"

"At Keke's. She's got more space at her house so me and the kids are gonna spend the night here." He sounded really chill like he had no idea what had happened so I told him.

"Someone got shot at Stonehaven." That was the name of our complex. There was a long silence and it was like I could read Bryan's mind through the phone. Michael... I remembered Bryan telling me when he was first asking if Michael could stay that there were people just waiting for him to get out to jump him. After over thirty seconds of silence, I realized Bryan wasn't going to say anything or maybe he just couldn't. I was hurting so much for him... Someone had shot and killed his best friend. I couldn't imagine hearing someone had shot and killed Risa. A tear ran down my cheek as I heard him sniff.

"M..maybe it's not him." I said. "I'll run by and see if he's there."

"Nah...stay with yo friends tonight, it obviously ain't safe. Them niggas probably broke up in our place and shit..." he sniffed again. "I'll handle it in the morning."

"Alright... I love you."

"Love you too, sis."

We hung up and I fell apart. Risa held me close as I cried. Flashes of Michael's goofiest moments ran through my mind, that smile, his walk... I was going to miss that idiot... And our place... I just imagined it torn apart. All my jewelry and electronics were probably gone...

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