Wet Dreamin' and Bad Schemin'

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Wet Dreamin' and Bad Schemin'


"Michael! Could you come up stairs for a minute?!" That sexy voice called to me. I sprung off the couch in seconds and ran up the stairs two at a time to see what she wanted. I slowly opened her bedroom door and my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me.

Chivonn was lying on the bed in an angelic pair of white lace lingerie with her finger twirling one of her silky curls. When I walked further into the room she rolled her body like a snake and moaned something that sounded like my name. My mouth went dry and dick turned to steel.

"W..what..." Was this some kind of trap? I was hella confused.

"Shh... come here, daddy." She said motioning me to come closer with one sexy French tipped finger. I thought my dick was gonna rip right out these jeans and then suddenly I look down and I'm not wearing anything... I look back up at Chivonn and her white lace has disappeared. Goddamn, that body is every bit of perfection hat I had imagined it to be. Her soft, light brown skin, perky perfect tits, and that ass... That ass... She crawled to the end of the bed where I stood and dipped her head a little as she kissed the head of my cock. I groaned and couldn't help but grip myself as she teased the tip in her mouth, flicking her tongue against it. I was so ready to shove it down her throat, but I held back. I didn't want to scare her away... She replaced my hand with hers and began to stroke me softly as she dipped my dick further into her mouth... She was a pro... never once gagging. I felt myself get even harder as I got ready to bust.

"Mmm...Chev... I'm gonna come, you ready?" She moaned with my dick in her mouth and that sent me over the edge I exploded all over her face and my body shook jolting me awake.

I gasped and took in my surroundings... Fuck... I definitely wasn't in Chivonn's room... I was on the couch in a pair of soaked boxers. I looked up at the ceiling asking God what the fuck... To make things a little worse, I heard voices in the kitchen and as I came to I realized they were Bryan and Keke's. I snatched up my blanket and wrapped it around my waist as I made a mad dash for Bryan's room. Bryan, that nigga would not let me live it down if he knew I just had a fuckin' wet dream... Shit, I ain't did this since puberty...

"Yo Mike." He called as I passed by. I didn't stop to reply, I snatched a pair of clean boxers out of my bags of clothes and a new outfit for the day, a plain green shirt and a pair of jeans with the knees worn out. I crossed the hall to the bathroom in one swift slide. That was close... How fuckin' embarrassing though... I looked down at my hands. I was still shakin' from that dream... damn! Ain't it some shit when you have a sex dream about someone you can't have at the moment? It makes you want them a thousand times more that you did before... If you have a crush on someone, it amplifies dat shit tenfold.

I got hard again in the shower as I thought about the dream and had to rub another one out...

Once I pulled my shit together, I walked into the kitchen where Bryan and Keke were chillin'. Both of their silly asses on their phones. Tomorrow was supposed to be my last day here, but I had the cash for next month's rent I was gonna hand to Bryan once we ran the idea by Chivonn...

"Nigga, didn't you hear me call you?! Terrika's bringing the kids over today. She gonna let me keep them fo da weekend." One of them proud father smiles lit up his face, in fact that nigga seemed to be lit up all over with joy to see them babies and I didn't blame him one bit.

"That's what's up! Can't wait to meet 'em. You know I love kids." I patted him on the shoulder as I passed by the table and opened their empty fridge. The only thing that was in there to eat for breakfast was Chivonn's yogurt cups... Aw, fuck it she won't miss just this one. I took it out and Bryan gave me a look.

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