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I waited around the hotel for Michael to come back, but he eventually texted me telling me to go on ahead and go sightseeing with his family and Bryan because he didn't think he was going to make it back to the hotel before the show later.

Disappointing - yes, but this was his life now, I'd have to get used to it.

Plus, seeing New York and spending time bonding with his mother and sisters turned out to be a really good time - maybe not so much for Bryan being surrounded by women and all, but still...

The evening finally came and at about five, we all returned to our hotel rooms to get ready for the show. I had just started on my eye make-up when I heard someone beating down the hotel door.

Bryan cursed loudly and I heard his heavy footsteps move towards the door. I heard Janet coming walk in complaining about Latoya and Rebbie hogging the bathroom in their room. Bryan invited her on in to my bathroom, knowing that I wouldn't mind.

"Hey girl..." I said not taking my eyes off the mirror as I heard her walk in. I scooted over make space for her and she sat down her small make-up bag.

"Hey, hope you don't mind. There's no room in our room. Toya and Rebbie are doin' the most like they think this is some red carpet event. They think they finna meet someone famous or somethin'. Get whisked away by some rich producer or somethin'..."

I chuckled a little bit.

"I'm just here to see my big brother do his thing, you know? Keepin' it simple." She did just have on a plain, black, fitted T-shirt with a pair of nice light colored jeans - cute heels though. Her hair that was in braids was twisted up into a fancy up-do.

I left my curls down and in their natural state. I wore a maroon colored tube top with black floral designs towards the bottom and jeans.

"He's going to be amazing, I just know it." I said opening my power foundation and fixing up a few places. Janet was leaning into the mirror putting on her mascara.

"I know he will be." She sounded a little sad, but before I could question her she continued. "I just hope Joseph doesn't ruin it for him. He ain't gonna be happy when he gets wind of this."

"Why?" I asked. "Most parents want the best for their children." I added.

"Yeah, well... my father shows his love differently. Keepin' his boys in the business is what keeps them close to him, you know? If he lets them spread their wings, they'll fly away."

"That's just selfish." I said.

"It is... but, that's just how it is. I understand him, kind of, but at the same time I agree with you. It's selfish and dangerous. I worry all the time for each one of my brothers. Those two years Michael was gone, I think I shed more tears than ever in my life. He's not cut out for the life Joseph wants for him. He's too impulsive and reckless. If he keeps it up, he'll end up locked up forever..."

I was quiet, thinking of what life would be like with Michael locked away permanently. Janet reached over and touched my hand.

"Promise you won't give up on him. I think if he loses you for good, he'll give up on himself and Joseph will win."

"I'll do what I can for him, but I can't make any promises. Michael has to find the strength within himself to rise above this. He knows what he needs to do and it's up to him to do it. I think us pacifying the situation does him more harm than good sometimes and I'm guilty of that."

"Yeah... but I don't know. I know it's hard for you. It's hard for all of us, but just know it's really not Michael's fault. This is the life he knows and it's not going to be easy to leave it behind." She said.

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