Let the Show Begin

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I knew that Michael and I had to kind of put on an act around my brother like nothing was going on, but damn... he practically ignored me all morning. Around one in the afternoon he left with Bryan to give them extra time to go round up the rest of their crew to head to Liberty City. It was a two hour drive and I'm sure Michael wanted to get there early enough to meet with Tony, see the stage and rehearse a little bit. He didn't even tell me that they had all gotten a hotel up there and was not planning on coming home the same night.

I didn't want to spend the day alone at home so I headed over to Risa's house early. I went in my normal clothes and packed my concert clothes with me so that we could get ready together. At about five o'clock, two hours before we needed to leave, the process started. Both of us sat in her bathroom with green face masks on getting our skin as smooth as possible.

Risa was flipping through a hair magazine trying to come up with something to do with her hair while I was flipping through Facebook like a stalker watching the comments stead flooding in on Michael's page from all his female friends. The boy had over three thousand friends and as I looked through them about 85% of them were all females with provocative profile pictures. He hadn't even texted me yet to say 'Hey we're there' or 'Can't wait to see you' Nothing...

"All I'm seein' right now is a flashback of Drea." Risa said, looking up at me from her magazine. She had a pink bathroom on and her hair wrapped up in a matching pink towel. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.


"Waitin' on a text, a call, watchin' other girls hit him up on Facebook and Twitter... He. Ain't. Neva. Gonna. Change. Boo. I don't understand why you even tryin' it..."

I sighed and looked away purposely avoiding her comment about Michael. She sighed dramatically and threw her hands up. The magazine hit the floor and she left the room. I sighed and sat my phone down on the edge of her tub. Seconds later it vibrated noisily against the porcelain.


Miss u already. Wish it was u I was up here sightseein' with.

I smiled wide and it was like all those bad thoughts Risa tried to put back in my head vanished immediately.


We'll be up there soon. I can't wait to see your show.


I'm nervous as shit.


You'll do fine.


Thanks baby.



He followed that up with a selfie of himself giving me that sexy lip bite thing he did all the time. I laughed to myself but quickly straightened my posture and pulled a serious face once Risa appeared in the doorway. She had her white dress she was wearing tonight in her arm. I chose a short sleeved black dress with a large square cut out in the back.

"What'd he say?"

I cut out the act and let my smile show through. "Nothing... just he's nervous about the show."

"He should be. Watch him fuck it all up by gettin' so messed up before the show that he can't even get out on stage. It's happened before." Ok that was enough... I know she's my best friend and she's just looking out for me but damn... I stood up.

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