Catchin' Feelings

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As we got into the car my stomach growled. That shot probably hit me so hard because my stomach was empty. Don't think Michael didn't notice.

"You hungry, girl? Let's hit up a Denny's or Ihop; somethin' open twenty-four." He smiled at me and it was like we hadn't just run up out of a club with one of his ex-girlfriends chasing us. I just stared at him blankly for a while and he laughed a little bit. "Sorry 'bout all that..."

"Yeah... who is she?" I asked like I didn't already know.

"Keisha." He answered. I was focused on getting out of the crowded parking lot without hitting anyone. I wasn't about to go to a Denny's on this side of town... I shuddered at the thought. Every business around this way was run down. Restaurants with roaches walking around out in the open... I headed for the highway back to the west side of North County.

"How long was you with her?" I asked. I was genuinely curious. I couldn't even see Michael being in a relationship. He seemed to be the type that liked the chase, but wouldn't know what to do with a woman once he caught one.

"Prolly bout five years. Not a consistent five years though... I cheated on her so many damn times... I wasn't a good man to her, but she was dumb as fuck always there to take me back. I sold drugs out her house and the police kicked her door in tryin' to find me. I put her through so much fucked up shit yo... but karma's a bitch and you betta believe she hit me up good. A week after I get locked up I hear she aborted my baby... Ain't nobody ever cut me that deep before."

I glanced over at him and he has his hand over his mouth stroking the corners of his lips like he was thinking hard about it. It was a simple question and I wasn't expecting him to open wide up about it so I didn't know what to say.

"She don't even know I know too. I ain't sure if I want to confront her about it or not. I might kill the bitch." He was talking in a low voice like he was talking to himself almost.

"If you never spoke to her about it, how do you know it's true?" I asked giving him something more to think about. He was quiet for a moment and we pulled up to the Denny's. There were quite a few people here for it being after two o'clock in the morning. I stopped the car, but neither one of us got out immediately. Michael still looked like he was thinkin' too hard about something his mind just couldn't wrap around.

"Are we on a date, Chev?" he asked randomly in a chipper voice.

"I guess... you could call it that... I mean I was lookin' at it more like us blowing off steam after a stressful evening."

"Uh huh." There was a hint of suspicion in his tone. "Well I was just askin' because if it ain't a date, you payin' for your own food." He snickered as he hopped out of my car. I rolled my eyes and got out too locking my doors as we walked into the restaurant. Michael walked close to me with his hands in his pockets bumping me with his elbow carelessly a few times. We got a booth and after the waitress came over to give us our menus and ask what we wanted to drink, Michael ordered himself a beer and then ran off to the restroom. When he came back, instead of sitting across from me he slid into the booth beside me purposely hitting me with his menu as he flipped the large booklet wide open.

"I'm about to smash like a fat boy and crash like I'm finna hibernate."

I couldn't help but to laugh at his goofy ass.

"No, when we get home you're going to let me hear your music."

He rolled his eyes so far up into his head I didn't think they were gonna come down. "Drop it, girl. I ain't finna letchu hear shit."

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