Anger Management

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I rolled out of bed into some Jeans and a red polo shirt, threw my hair into a ponytail and pulled a red hat over the mess. Latoya had been staying here half the time cause she really ain't all that into her new sugar daddy... She only spent nights there when he asked her to. I couldn't neva do that shit. I don't care how much you payin' me you ain't finna see me put this precious D in some old sixty year old pussy.

She was stayin' in the other tiny spare bedroom across the hall. I went in there and snatched her car keys off the dresser and murmured. "I'm borrowin' yo car, sis..." before walkin' out not even waiting for a response. Her lazy ass will prolly still be a sleep before I even get back.

I used her car's GPS and it lead me right up to the office suite I needed to be at. I looked down at car clock realizing I was already five minutes, hopped out of the vehicle and jogged up to the building. A foxy little brunette sat at a desk. Her eyes moved from her computer screen to my face, down my body and back to my face and she smiled. Yeah girl... you ain't seen nothin' like this, have you? I shined a crocked smile at her.

"Michael Jackson. I'm here to see..." I paused and shoved my hand in my back pocket real fast. I pulled out the card Kim had left at my mom's. "Bruce McPike."

She lifted her glasses up setting them into her hair and I watched her eyes travel up and down me again. She bit her lip a little and turned her eyes down to a clip board on her desk. She pushed it towards me. "It's an assessment. Just let me know when you're done filling it out and I'll let Bruce know you're ready for your meeting."

"Thanks." I sat down in one of the chairs and crossed my leg setting the large clip board on it as I read over the questions. It started out with the basic shit. Date of birth, Marital Status... etc.

Then the questions started gettin' heavy! Like:

Were you physically, psychologically, or sexually abused as a child? Yes

Did you ever see your father or mother physically or psychologically abuse each other? Yes

Were there any other events or circumstances regarding your childhood that may help us understand your particular counseling needs? My dad was a drug lord. He made me and my brothers his runners real young.

Have you experienced thoughts of suicide in the past 30 days or in your life time? Not in the last 30 days, but yeah, I guess.

Shit, anyone can have a day where they feel like fuck it I just don't want to live, right? Did that make me suicidal?! This assessment had me questionin' myself.

Have you ever felt like hurting others or committing homicide?

I paused at this question. My thoughts automatically were 'Fuck, yeah every day!', but I didn't answer it that way. I settled with a 'sometimes.'

When you become angry, how long do you remain angry? Depends.

I ain't met the dude and I already felt violated. I took a deep breath and answered the rest of the questions. Part of me wanted to just lie on this whole damn thing, but I'm doin' this for Chivonn. I wanna do it right. One of the last questions was to rate my anger from 1 to 10. I laughed to myself as I thought of Chivonn yelling in the back of my head. 'Ten!' But she ain't even seen me on a 10. On an average it's probably a seven.

I handed the clipboard to the brunette and she smirked slightly as she took it from me. If I was a single man this would be the part where I started layin' my game on her. I'd be walkin' out of this office with her panties in my back pocket.

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