I・More Than FWB

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You and Odell have been Friends With Benefits for a while now. Every time you two seen each other, it was always for sex. Nothing more. But for some time now, you've been having feelings towards him. You want to be more than FWB.

It was 2:00 in the morning on Saturday and you were in your bed sleeping peacefully. That was until you had a dream about Odell.

You were walking through the park until you seen Odell and some woman sitting on the bench. Odell placed his hand on the woman stomach and rubbed it in a circular motion. The woman giggled and caressed his face then leaned in for a kiss. Your lip trembled and your eyes started to tear up at the sight of them two.

You jumped up out of your sleep. You turned on the lamp that was on your nightstand. You couldn't keep these feelings in a jar anymore. You unplugged your phone from the charger and unlocked it.

You searched for Odell's contact and once you found it, you clicked on the phone logo. It dialed his number and began to ring.

"Hello?" He answered. His voice was groggily and raspy. It was sexy.

"Uh, you sleep?" You asked playing with the tips of your hair.

"I was. Why wassup?" You heard shuffling his background.

"Can I come to your place?"


"Okay," You smiled. "I'll be there in 10." You hung up.

You just threw on some sweats and a shirt. You slid on your Nike slides and grabbed your keys off the counter and left.


You walked up to Odell's door and knocked softly. 30 seconds later the door opened up and there he stood, shirtless with some grey sweatpants on. You looked at him up and down and bit your lip.

"You gon' come in ma?" He asked, snapping you out your thoughts.

"Huh? Oh uh, yeah." You walked inside and he closed the door behind you. You sat on his couch while he went in the kitchen.

"You want sum' to drink?"

You shook your head no. "No thanks I'm good."

He shrugged. "Okay." He shut off the kitchen light and walked out. He went to the living room and sat next to you.

"So what brings you here in my house at 2:30 in the morning?" He chuckled.

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. "Lately, I've been having this crazy feeling towards you. I've been having dreams about you, and everything. It's like...I'm slowly starting to fall in love with you. I wanna be more than Friends With Benefits, Junior. I...love you." You poured out.

Both of Odell's eyebrows were raised. It was like he was in a state of shock. You shook your head and stood up.

"That's all I wanted to tell you. I'm going back home." You started to walk towards the door until Odell stopped you.

"Show me." He spoke up. You turned around and looked at him, puzzled.

"Show you what?"

"Show me that you love me." He walked towards you.

You smirked and jumped up on him, wrapping your legs around his waist. You felt your back pushed up against the wall. You wrapped your arms around his neck and started to kiss him roughly.


This is a fantasy book for all the Odell Beckham (Jr) lovers. Question, should I make this into a part 2, or no? Comment, vote and share for me.

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