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You sat on the couch, glaring at your stepbrother Odell who was sitting on the couch on the opposite side, glaring right back at you.

"I can't stand you." You said lowly but loud enough for him to hear.

"And I can't stand yo ass either." He shot back at you.

Your dad and his mom Heather had been talking for months now. They hit it off real well and decided to have a dinner, and that's when you met Odell. Right off the back you knew you didn't like him. He was obnoxious. To top it all off, they announced that Odell and his mother were moving in.

Ever since then, your life has been a living hell. Odell always bothered you. He would pull pranks. He did anything/everything to annoy you. You tried to avoid him but that backfired.

Your dad and Heather were currently out somewhere, which left you with Odell.

"I'm going to my room." You rolled your eyes and went to your room.

You turned on your tv and laid in your bed until you drifted to sleep.


When you woke up, you heard loud music, making your room vibrate every beat. You went downstairs to see 20-40 people dancing, drinking, and talking. You pushed through the people, searching for Odell. You finally found him sitting on the couch with two girls all up on him.

"Odell what the fuck is going on?!" You shouted over the music.

"I'm having a get together!" He yelled back.

"Our parents told us not to have nobody over here!"

One of the girls that was on Odell looked at you. "Aww is this your goody two shoe baby sister Odell?"

"No bitch, but I'm about to be your worse nightmare if you don't shut the hell up."

The girl stood up and got in your face. "You don't scare me, baby sister."

You pushed her face back with your hands. Before you could hit her, Odell pulled you back.

"Man get the fuck off of me!" You jerked out of his grip. You went to the stereo system and turned it off.

You stood up on top of the spiral stairs, where everyone could see you.

"Everyone get the fuck out before I call the police!" You yelled on the top of your lungs.

Everyone started mumbling while they walked out the house. When the house was evacuated, you went downstairs.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Odell screamed in your face. You pushed him.

"Nigga don't yell at me! I should be the one yelling at you! You invited a bunch of people into my house! When our parents told us not to!"

"This ain't your house! This is our house! Stop thinking you runnin' shit!"

"I can't fucking stand you! I hate you! You made my life a living hell ever since you entered it! You're always bothering me and you're just obnoxious! I hate you!" You were so angry and frustrated that you were about to cry.

You were getting ready to go back to your room until Odell pulled your arm back.

"Look, I'm sorry." He apologized dryly.

"I don't care about fake ass apologies Odell. I just wanna go to my room. I don't even wanna see—"

Odell cut you off by connecting his lips on yours. You were surprised. You tried to pull away but he just continued to kiss you. Hesitantly, you finally kissed him back.

He felt all on your curvy body. A moan accidentally slipped from your mouth. He brought you upstairs to your room.


"Shit!" You threw your head back as Odell thrusted inside you. You grabbed on his soft curls. He grunted lowly as he continued to pound into you.

Soon, your legs began to shake and his thrusts became slow and sloppy. You gripped both of the bed sheets and he put his head in the crook of your neck.

"I-I'm about to—"

Your bedroom door was bust in, making you and Odell jump up.

"Oh my god!"


Uh oh. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving and ate lots and lots of food. Continue to vote and comment please, I really appreciate it.

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