XLVII・Then There Were Fewer [Pt.3]

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"This is fucking crazy. All of this shit is crazy!" Cam yelled. This dude staying yelling I'm telling you.

"I'm honestly losing my mind." I shook my head. "My wife...gone. My two best friends...gone. My wife best friend...gone. And there was not one fucking warning! Nobody screamed! No blood! Nothing!" I shouted.

"And you know who's fault it is?" Cam turned to me and pointed at Victor and I. "You two motherfuckers. Also Jarvis. Y'all wanted to stay in this death trap. So every time someone disappears...Just know it's y'all faults." He squinted. "You know what...Gimme your keys." He grabbed a knife and pointed it at me.

"Cameron yo..chill out." I tried to calm him down.

"Gimme your fucking keys before I stab yo ass!" He threatened, getting louder. I surrendered and took my keys out and handed it to him. He grabbed it, the knife still pointed at me, and left.

We all ran after him outside, trying to stop him. He got inside my car and drove off, but after a couple of feet away from us, the car stopped.

We all grabbed each other hands and walked over to the car to not see anyone. Cam was gone.

"What the fuck?!" We all went back into the lodge and locked the door.

"Fuck this, I hope we have reception cause I'm calling the police." Victor grabbed the phone that was in the lodge and dialed 911.

I couldn't hear the conversation but I heard Victor talking about how he understands and its okay. When he hung up the phone, he turned to Valori and I.

"Polices are coming, but they're pretty far. Like 3 hours away. We just have to watch each other for 3 hours." He said, sighing.


We all were on the couch until I heard my stomach grumbling, indicting that I was hungry. And I was. I guess Valori heard it cause she looked at me and chuckled,

"You hungry?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded my head.

"Yeah. Can you make something for me?"

"Me too!" Victor added. Valori sighed and got up, making her way to the kitchen. We all made sure we followed her.

"Well...There's bread, sliced turkey breast, mayo, and lettuce...I guess that's a sandwich for y'all." She said taking out the things she needed. Once she closed the fridge, Victor stood in front of it.

"Wait, I left something in there, excuse me Vic." She said going towards the fridge. Victor stood next to the fridge and Valori opened it, grabbing what she needed.

I looked down at my shoes and sighed deeply. I heard the fridge door close and Valori screamed, causing me to pick my head up and turn it to the side.

Victor was gone.

"He was just right here!" She screamed and ran beside me. I held her hand and we both ran out the kitchen.

"I-I'm scared." She whimpered and held onto me for dear life.

"Shh. Shh. Just 3 hours Valori. We stay together for 3 hours." I said, comforting her.


2 hours and 20 minutes passed. Valori and I were trying our best to stay awake. It was storming outside, and soon enough, the lights went out. Valori started trembling in fear.


"It's alright Val." I grabbed a lighter from my back pocket—don't ask why, and I grabbed the candle holder, that had 10 candlesticks, and lit them.

"See...Its okay. We have at least 40 more minutes." I said. She sighed and held my hand even tighter.


"I have to go to the restroom Odell." Valori announced. I nodded and we both got up, I made sure I brung the candles and went inside the restroom. We walked in one stall together.

"Look at me in my eyes...not down." She said unzipping her pants. I sighed and looked in her eyes.

Once she finished, she flushed the toilet and walked out to wash her hands. I watched her wash her hands but I was slowly falling asleep. My eyes slowly closed but I tried to keep them open.



"Odell...Stay up please." I said shaking him roughly. We both were falling asleep but I was attempting to keep myself awake. We had to have at least 15 minutes left. The candle sticks were going out pretty quick.

"I'm trying..." He said yawning.

I didn't say anything back. My eyes slowly closed and my head went forward, waking me up. I looked around, Odell was gone.

"No!" I screamed and cried. I was now alone, by myself. There was one candle left, and that was almost finished.

Suddenly, I heard the door being kicked in and a bunch of police officers swarmed in.

"Hello?! Anyone in here?!" I heard someone yell.

"Yes! I am! Please help!" I yelled back. One of the police officers picked me up and took me outside to sit back in the cop car.


"Here you go." A detective said, handing me a blue blanket. I took it and wrapped it around me.

"Thank you so much." I smiled a bit.

"So you're the only one that survived?" He asked.

"Yes." He just nodded his head and walked away. There were fire trucks out, lots of police cars, and even some detective cars.

I sighed and put my head down and closed my eyes. Then...I heard nothing. I slowly picked my head up...and everything was gone...no fire trucks, no police cars, no nothing.

"Oh my god! Noooo!"


Yeah, that's it. That's pretty much how the movie ended. Y'all getting all mad in the comments like chill, it's just an imagine lol. I know black people really wouldn't do that, I was going based off the movie. Vote and comment.

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