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It was the holiday time and you were serving in the army. Your husband Odell was basically a stay home dad to y'all 6 year old twins Josiah and Jalissa. Every year around this time you usually come home to spend time with your family but the way things were looking, it seem like you weren't gonna be able to make it down.

It was Christmas Eve and Odell, Josiah, and Jalissa were all having movie night, just watching Christmas movies and drinking hot chocolate. At the moment, they were watching The Santa Clause.

Jalissa let out a tired yawn and stretched. "Daddy I'm sleepy." She announced.

Odell looked at her and smiled. "Alright princess go to sleep in your room."

She folded her arms and pouted. "But I want you to take me up there."

Odell let out a sigh. "Fine." He got up and picked Jalissa up, carrying her upstairs to her room. He gently laid her down in her bed and pulled the covers over her body.

"Thank you daddy. I love you." She said putting a smile on Odell's face.

"I love you too princess. Goodnight. Sleep well." He got off her bed and walked out, closing the door.

He went back downstairs to see Josiah knocked out with the cup in his hand. Odell chuckled to himself as he took the cup out of Josiah's hand and carried him to his room. He tucked him in then left.

Odell went back downstairs once again to turn the movie off and get the cups and put them in the sink. He went upstairs to his room and laid down, watching tv until he fell asleep.


Odell was downstairs with the twins eating breakfast when there was an unexpected knock at the door. Odell got up to open the door and your Sergeant and Lieutenant stood there with their hats off.

"We're very sorry Mr.Beckham. We're to inform you that your wife has passed away yesterday evening." Lieutenant notified Odell.

Odell felt his life flashing before his eyes. His heart began to get heavy and a lump formed in his throat. And from there he broke down. He almost fell to his knees but the Lieutenant and Sergeant helped him. Odell cried like a baby. He felt his life was crumbling.

"T-This can't be true! It can't be!" He yelled as tears ran down his face.

"We're terribly sorry Mr.Beckham." Sergeant apologized before walking off with Lieutenant.

Odell slammed the door and slid down on it. Josiah and Jalissa watched Odell cry, not knowing that he just received news that their mother died. Odell got up and punched a hole in the wall, frightening the twins. They got up from the table and ran over to Odell.

"Stop daddy!" Jalissa yelled as he made another hole in the wall. He looked at Josiah and Jalissa then at his knuckles, which were a bright red.

He picked them both up and apologized while sniffling.

"Daddy's sorry. Really really sorry."

Odell jumped out of his sleep and looked around. His heart was racing a mile a minute. He rubbed his face with his hands and sighed while laying back down.


"Daddy wake up, wake up! It's Christmas!" The twins jumped on Odell to wake him up.

Odell eyes fluttered open and landed on the twins. He smiled and sat up.

"Alright daddy's coming." The twins jumped down from the bed and ran downstairs.

Odell got up from the bed and ran his through his hair before going downstairs. He sat on the couch and watched the twins open their Christmas present. Their eyes lit up, each present they opened. They were happy.

Then there was a knock at the door. After having that nightmare yesterday, Odell was nervous of who he would see at the door. He slowly opened it to see you standing there with your army suit on and bag on your back.

Odell stood there with his mouth hung open. You smiled and jumped in his arms. He spun you both around and you both exchanged a passionate kiss.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too baby." Tears filled your eyes. You two went inside the house and you walked in the living room where the twins were.

They looked at you with their eyes widen. They kneeled down and opened your arms for them. They ran in your arms and hugged you tightly.

"Mommy!!" They squealed.

You picked them up and kissed their cheeks. "My babies! I missed y'all so much oh my gosh." You cried tears of joy.

"We missed you too." Josiah said. You put them down and sat on the couch next to Odell.

"How'd you do it? I thought you weren't able to come down." Odell asked. He held your hands and played with your wedding ring.

"I know. I was able to. I didn't want to tell you guys, I wanted it to be a surprise." You cheesed. He smiled and leaned in, kissing you.

You two were kissing a while until Josiah and Jalissa jumped on you each of your lap.

"Hey." Odell chuckled, as he picked up Jalissa and sat her down. She looked at Odell and giggled.

Odell pulled you all close and kissed your cheek. "Best Christmas gift I could ever get."


Awww. I kinda made Odell sensitive in this imagine. I was gonna publish this on Crihmuh Day but then I was like nah nobody probably would be on. Thanks for 2k votes I love y'all so much and I appreciate it.

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