XXXVI・Daddy's Princess

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"Ya right hand on green." Odell called out. You placed your right hand on the green circle, that was beside his left foot.

"Ya ass is in my face." Odell said. You giggled and playfully rolled your eyes.

"Duh, stupid. It's Twister."

"Ard, my left hand goes on blue." He crossed his left arm over your body to touch the blue.

"Ya left leg on red." That meant you had to go over Odell. When you tried, you both fell down.

You two looked at each other and burst out into laughter.

"We're too old fa' this shit." Odell chuckled and got up.

"We're only 35. We ain't that old." You folded the Twister mat and placed it back in the box, along with the spinner.

Right when you put the game up in the closet, y'all 15 year old daughter Vanessa came in the house, crying her eyes out.

"Woah, woah, baby what happened?" He stopped Vanessa.

"I hate boys!" She cried in his chest like a baby. He walked her over to the couch and they both sat down.

"What happened Vanessa?" He asked, his voice got deeper. Odell didn't play about boys when it came to Vanessa.

"Jayceon played me! All this time I thought he loved me! When we were dating, he was talking to another girl behind my back! When I confronted him around the girl, he told me I was nothing to him but a joke!" She buried her face in her hands.

Odell felt his blood boiling. He balled up his fists and got up from the couch.

"What's his address Vanessa?"

Vanessa looked up and sniffled. "No daddy. Please don't do this."

"Vanessa, I'm just gonna talk to him. What's his address?" He repeated but in a more sternly tone.

Vanessa sighed and told Odell his address. She prayed that Odell didn't go over and kill him.

Odell grabbed his keys and jacket and was about to leave until you stood in front of the door.

"Odell, don't do anything you'll regret. Alright?" You questioned with your arms folded.

"Ard." He kissed your lips. You stepped out of his way so he could get out. He left and closed the door.



Shit was runnin' through my mind as I was driving to Vanessa ex boyfriend house. I was trying my best not fuck his ass up on the spot, but have a talk with him. A very serious talk.

The GPS took me into this neighborhood of big houses. It told me to turn left and my destination would be on my right. I drove, searching for the house number. I looked to my right and seen the number Vanessa told me. 12730. I pulled in the driveway and took the key out. I got out and close the car door, walking up to the doorstep.

I rung the doorbell and waited impatiently. About 2 minutes later, a young light skin guy with a curly fade haircut opened the door.

He looked at me up and down. "Who are you?"

"I'm Vanessa dad. You must be the lil boy Jayceon that broke her heart." I looked at him with my fists balled.

He gulped hardly. "S-Sir, I'm sorry." He stepped back in his house slowly. I walked inside and closed the door shut behind me.

"So she was nothing but a joke to you?" I raised an eyebrow and walked towards him.

"N-Nah I didn't mean it, l-like that." He stuttered, nervously.

"No, I think you did. I'm pretty sure you meant it when you were around ya second girlfriend." He stepped back against the wall and trembled. I grabbed him by the rim of his shirt.

"I'ma let you know one thing. I don't play with little ass boys like you when it comes to my baby girl. So tomorrow, when you see her at school, I expect for her to get an apology from you. If not, I'll come here and beat your ass. I don't care if your parents is here or not. Understood?" He nodded quickly. I released and shoved him.

I left his house and went back to my car.


I walked through the front door to see YN and Vanessa talking. They both looked up at me. Vanessa got up and ran over to me.

"Daddy, what did you do?"

I shook my head. "I didn't do anything but talk to him baby. Just expect to get an apology tomorrow alright?"

She nodded and gave me a big hug. "I love you so much daddy."

"I love you even more princess. You'll always be my princess." I kissed her forehead and hugged her back.


Daddy goals af. Thanks for the idea @flawlesskenzi. Are y'all dead? I'm not even getting as much votes/comments as I used to. I'm not complaining, just saying. I miss some of y'all comments. Y'all slacking :( So vote and comment please.

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