III・I'm Sorry

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"Who is she Odell?!" You yelled as you followed him up the stairs to y'all room.

He ignored you and sighed, taking off his shirt. He tossed it in the hamper. He just unzipped his pants, not taking them off.

"Odell Cornelius Beckham Junior! I know you hear me talking to you!" You were beginning to get pissed off. One thing you hate is for someone to ignore you purposely.

He continued to ignore you while he tried to go to the bathroom. You quickly jumped in his way and stood in the doorway of the bathroom.

"I'm not gonna ask you again Odell who the fuck is she?!" You stood on your tippy toes, screaming in his face.

"She ain't no one! So get the fuck out my face with that bullshit!" He finally yelled back at you. He moved you out the way to go inside the bathroom.

You weren't just gonna let this go that easily. Right when he was about to take a piss, you shoved him.

"You're a fucking liar! She ain't no random bitch if she all up in ya phone!"

When he regained his balance he stared at you crazily. "Don't touch me."

"I can do whatever the fuck I want! You ain't my daddy!" You argued with your hand on your hip.

"Yeah, aight." He said as he took a piss. Once he finished, he pulled up his pants and flushed the toilet. Then he stood in front the sink and washed his hands.

He walked out the bathroom and went downstairs. Of course you followed him. You wanted answers, and you wanted them now.

"Why was she in your phone?" You asked, your voice was filled with venom.

"She ain't nobody man! Get the fuck off my dick, wit' cho insecure ass!" He shouted harshly at you.

"You made me like this you fucking asshole! You always doing some sneaky shit behind my back! That's why I can't trust yo unfaithful ass now!" You shot back and pushed him again.

Then all you felt was your cheek stinging and yourself being on the ground. He hit you. You held your cheek and looked up at Odell to find him shocked just as you were.

He tried to help you up but you scooted away and ran upstairs in the room. You locked the door and sobbed.

"Baby open up the door, I'm sorry!" Odell apologized, banging on the bedroom door.

Tears ran down your face rapidly and you trembled in fear. You were afraid to open the door.

Odell banged on the door for another 15 minutes then you just heard it stop. You heard his footsteps going down the stairs and eventually heard a door shut.

You slowly got up and unlocked the door, twisting the doorknob cautiously. You tiptoed down the stairs to find the house being in pure silence. You peeped out the window and noticed that his car was gone. Good.

You went back upstairs in the room and closed the door. You crawled in bed and watched tv.


You were in the mirror, brushing your teeth. The slap Odell made made a bruise on your cheek. It was heartbreaking and every time you saw it you just wanted to break down again.

You spit out the foaming toothpaste into sink then brushed your tongue. You washed your mouth and face and after you finished, you turned off the water and dried your hands.

You walked back inside the room but you heard the doorknob wiggle and open, revealing Odell.

You began to shake in fear again. He walked over to you, but you backed up until you bumped into the wall. He stood in front of you, face to face. You seen that his eyes were bloodshot.

"P-Please..." You breathed out, hoping he wasn't about to hit you again.

"Baby, stop shaking. I'm not gonna hit you." Odell tried to calm you down but you couldn't. You heart was going a mile a minute.

He stared at your cheek and shook his head. "I can't believe I did this. Baby you don't know how much I regret this. I didn't mean to hit you. I don't want you to be scared of me. I feel horrible for what I've done and I cried because of it. I feel like a monster. I know I'm not, I just don't know what came over me. I'm really really sorry I did this baby. If you don't accept my apology, I would understand." Odell apologized sincerely. He was sniffling like he was gonna cry.

You looked up at him and a slight smile came on your lips. You hugged Odell tightly and rested your head on his chest.

"I forgive you."


Two updates in one day, wow. Personally, this is my favorite imagine so far. Vote, comment, and share my lovely readers.

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