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You paced back and forth nervously, waiting for the pregnancy stick to go off. You and your husband Odell had been trying to have a baby for the absolute longest but it never seemed to work. If you weren't pregnant after this, you and Odell just decided not to try anymore.

After a few minutes the test started beeping. You ran inside the bathroom and picked up the stick with your fingers crossed. You read the side of it.

| not pregnant
|| pregnant

I looked at result window, your heart was pounding right now. The two lines were shown. You jumped up and down in excitement.

"Yes! Yes oh my god!" You were about to cry tears of joy. You wanted to tell Odell, but you didn't want to tell him in a boring way. Then an idea popped in your head.


You set the two plates out for you and Odell. You decided to make dinner but you were going to use "baby" foods, such as baby back ribs, baby carrots, baby corn, etcetera. Basically making it fun for him to figure out.

You dimmed the lights and lit the candles that were on the table. You heard keys jingling at the door and the door being unlocked. Odell walked in and looked around.

"Woah, what's going on?" He asked sitting his duffel bag on the couch in the living room.

"Hey baby. I made dinner for us." You said, walking over to him and kissing his lips.

He rubbed his hands all up and down your back and smiled. "Alright, is it ready?"

You nodded. "Come over and sit down." You both walked over to the table and he took a seat.

You grabbed the food and laid it out on the table. Odell looked at the food while licking his lips.

"This looks good." He said earning a giggle from you.

"Well, I try. Let's dig in." You took some of each and Odell did the same thing.

Once he finished, he looked at his plate suspiciously. "Everything on this food is...small." He slowly looked up at you, who was cheesing hard.


"Yes Odell?" You ripped a piece of meat off the rib and stuffed it in your mouth.

"Are you pregnant?" You started laughing while nodding your head.

Odell dropped his fork in shock. "You're serious?" You nodded and grabbed the pregnancy test out the package and handed it to him.

He read the test with a wide grin on his face. He got up from the table and went to give you a big hug, and passionate kiss.

"Best news I received today. Congrats ma." He gave you a kiss again.

"Thanks baby. But um, I didn't slave over that stove and oven for nothing so I'm gonna need you to eat." You joked, making him laugh.

"Okay ma, let's go finish dinner." You two went back to your seats and finished eating dinner.


I'm not really feeling this imagine book anymore so I think I'm done, unless y'all have any imagine ideas. I have complete writers block. "Plus Size Princess" is back with a few changes so y'all check that out and vote/comment/share. And don't forget if y'all have any ideas, feel free to comment some.

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