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[A/N: Inspired by the movie Cyberbully. It's going to be a bit emotional but I hope you guys enjoy it!]


You dropped your bookbag by the house door and ran upstairs, tears streaming down your face. You went in your room and slammed the door behind you. You crawled into bed and continued to let the tears flow from your eyes. You were sick and tired of being bullied. You were so fed up to the point where you wanted to commit suicide.

And that's what you were going to do.

You pulled out your phone and searched for your best friend Odell's contact. Once you found it, you sent him a long message:

Thanks Odell,
Thank you for being such a great best friend. You were always there when I needed you and you were a good shoulder to cry on. I just can't take it anymore though. I feel like I have no one. I feel that I'm useless. I have no reason to be on this planet anymore. I'm so fed up and done with the bullying, the name calling, and the teasing. I doubt my parents would care and I know others wouldn't care. But I love you so much Odell, thank you. You're the best.

You started shaking and pressed the send button. You threw your phone across the room and got out of bed. You paced back and forth, contemplating. Then flashbacks flooded your mind, from when people teased you, made you cry, everything. You bottom lip trembled as your forming tears filled your eyes. You went inside the bathroom and locked the door.



I was on my way to my homeboy Jarvis house until I received a text from YN. It wasn't no ordinary text, she was thanking me and telling me she couldn't do it anymore, live on this planet. Instantly going into panic mode, I busted a U turn and started speeding down the road to her house.

I managed to get to her house without being pulled over by the cops. I parked in the driveway and rushed out my car. I took out the key that she gave me and unlocked the door.

"YN!" I shouted, looking around. I didn't get a response so I dashed upstairs to her room. My eyes wondered around then I noticed her phone sitting in the corner.

"YN!" I yelled once more. I heard a grunt coming from the bathroom so I ran to the door to open the door but it was locked. I didn't want to break the door down, but I had to.

She was struggling to open the bottle of pills.

"I can't get this stupid shit open!" She screamed. I tried to grab the bottle from her but she had a tight grip on it. We both fought, trying to take the pills until the cap opened, making the pills scatter everywhere on the floor.

YN dropped to her knees and cried even harder. I sat on the floor with her and embraced her tightly.

"Why did you have to show up?! I wanted to die!" She sobbed loudly. My heart nearly shattered into pieces when she said that.

I just rocked her back and forth, comforting her. About 20 minutes of sitting on the floor, I realized she cried herself to sleep. I picked her up bridal style and brought her to my car. I sat her in the back seat and buckled her seatbelt. After, I got in the drivers seat and buckled my seatbelt before leaving to go to the hospital.


You woke up with to a beeping sound and an IV needle in your arm.

"What the hell?" You mumbled to yourself. You were confused about how you got here and what happened to you to be in here. Then everything came back to you.

You tried to kill yourself.

You groaned and turned to your side to see Odell fast asleep in the bed with you. He started shifting around and soon enough, he woke up. He looked at you and cracked a small smile.

"Wassup ma, how you feeling?" Odell asked, letting out a yawn. You shrugged and sighed.

"I'm a little better. Did you put me in here?"

"Taking you here, yeah. You scared me." He admitted. "Why didn't you ever tell me you were being bullied YN?"

"I don't know." You looked down and gnawed on your bottom lip.

"Do you know how scared I was when you sent me that text message? I speeded to your house and on the way there, I prayed that you were okay. You made me hurt when you told me you wanted to die." He vented. You couldn't help but to tear up.

"I'm sorry Odell. I'm really sorry." You apologized and let a tear fall. Odell sat up and wiped your tear with his thumb.

"I'm not mad at you mama." He reassured. "You just scared me."

"I just got so tired. I feel like nobody cares about me. Not my mom, not my dad, nobody. That's why I decided to do what I did. I thought it wouldn't make a difference if I died. Nobody would've noticed."

"I would've noticed, YN. I care about you much more than you think I do. You've been my best friend since we were kids. I watched you grow into beautiful young lady. I don't know what I would do with myself if you died. You don't understand how much I love you. I love you so much more than a friend..."

"Y-You love me...more than a f-friend?" You stuttered out in shock. He chuckled and nodded his head, scooting closer to you.

"Wow..." You breathed out. Odell caressed your cheek and leaned in, kissing your lips softly. You kissed him back, wrapping your hand around his neck.

You finally pulled away and smiled, "I love you too Odell. More than a friend."

He intwined his fingers in yours and resting his forehead against yours, "Will you be my baby girl? I promise you I'll always love and protect you."

"You already do that Odell." You giggled a bit. "But yes, I will." You smiled widely and kissed him once more. He pulled you into a warming hug and kissed your forehead.

"Please, just don't ever scare me like that YN. If you ever have any problems, come and tell me. Promise?"

"I promise Odell." You said taking his hand. Right then, the nurse walked in.

"Well hello YN! How you feeling?" She asked. You turned to Odell then turned back to the lady with a big smile.

"I feel much better now." You responded. Odell chuckled and kissed your cheek.

"Aww," She cooed. "But we're still going to have to keep an eye out on you okay?"

"Okay, I understand." You nodded your head. She checked your blood pressure before she left the room.

"I'm going back to sleep." Odell announced, laying on his back.

"I'm right behind you." You laid your head on his chest and rested your arm around his torso.


1184 words! This isn't a request imagine, just something I thought about writing. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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