XIV・Christmas Baby

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It was Christmas Day and you were 9 months pregnant with your baby girl.

It was 3 p.m. and you, Odell, and y'all 7 year old son Carter were getting ready for the Christmas party y'all were throwing.

"Mommy can I get cake?" Carter asked sitting across the chocolate cake that was before him. He had his hands on the table and his chin on top, staring at the cake.

"No Carter you have to wait until the guest arrive." You opened the bag of Cheetos Puffs and poured them into a bowl.

Carter sighed. "Please mommy?" He whined.

"Carter, she said to wait. Stop begging." Odell jumped in, shutting down Carter.

Carter got up from the table and stomped up the stairs. When he made it to his room, he made sure he slammed the door.

You didn't even care to yell at him. Once you poured the Nacho Cheese Doritos in the last bowl, you wobbled over to the couch and sat down.

"I'm so tired. My feet hurts. Can you give me a massage baby?" You asked Odell with puppy dog eyes and a pouted bottom lip.

Odell stopped decorating and glanced at you. He couldn't resist. He sighed, dropping the decorations and going over to where you were. He sat on carpet ground and took your right foot.

He began to massage it, making you throw you head back and moan in pleasure.

"Mm yess." You bit your lip. "I love when you massage my feet babe."

Odell mumbled something then switched to your left foot. When he finally finished he got up and kissed your lips.

"Love you." He said rubbing your belly.

"Love you too Dell." You smiled and looked at your belly.


It was 5 o'clock and guests were finally arriving. Your two close friends Danielle and Clarissa showed up. The rest were Odell's friends.

"You okay?" Clarissa raised an eyebrow.

"Y-Yeah I'm good." You said. Your belly was hurting so you rubbed it to try and ease the pain.

"You sure?" Danielle asked. You could hear concern all in their voices.

"Mhm. Help me up. I need to go to the bathroom." Both of them got up and grabbed your hand to help you up.

Right when you stood up, water ran down your leg, on the floor.

"Oh god." You looked at ground.

"ODEEELLL!!" Clarissa screamed.


"Don't push baby." Odell encouraged. He had your hand in his.

"Don't tell me what to do Odell!" You raised your voice at him.

"How long are we from the hospital Clarissa?" Danielle tapped his foot against the ground, nervous as ever.

"20 more minutes!" She answered. She was speeding down the highway.

"I can't wait!" You cried while sitting up. The contractions were too strong.

All of a sudden the car came to a stop and Clarissa hit the steering wheel. "FUCK!"

You immediately started to go into more panic. "What happened?!"

"It's an accident so we probably won't be getting to the hospital in another 30-50 minutes."

You felt another contraction coming so you shut your eyes tightly and yelped out in pain.

Odell quickly turned his head away. He couldn't watch you being in this much pain.

"Uh..Odell. I think you're gonna have to deliver this baby." Danielle stared right in his eyes.

"What?!" His eyes widen. "I can't deliver no baby!"

"You have to!" Argued Danielle.

"Can somebody just deliver the damn baby?!" You screamed so loud that you made them jump at the volume.

Odell inhaled then exhaled. "I don't know Danielle."

"We're not gonna make it in time. Just do it. It's your wife for god sake."

"Fine." Odell kissed your hand. "Let's have this baby."


"She's beautiful Dell." You held your 5 pound 3 ounce baby girl Aubrey.

She had your eyes, his lips, his nose, and your ears.

"She is. I can't believe I delivered her all by myself. To be honest I was scared." He smiled.

"I know you were. But I'm proud of you." You pecked his lips.

"I'm more proud of you baby. I love you." He gave you a hug and kiss on the forehead.

First off I want to tell you guys that I appreciate all of you. Voting and commenting means a lot to me. I love to read y'all comments, sometimes y'all even make me laugh. I love y'all.

Second, tomorrows Friday! One more week until we're on Winter Break. Yay! Hope you guys enjoyed this imagine though. I was going to publish it yesterday night but I ended up falling asleep while writing lol. Vote and comment

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