A/N・Bringing It Back

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Alright so I've been thinking...

And thinking...

And thinking...

And thinking...

And I've decided that I wanna bring Beckham Fantasies back. I miss writing little stories about Dell. But it'll on a different book. So it'll be named Beckham Fantasies 2.

I know, it's not very creative lol but who cares.

Will y'all support me?

If so, I'll go ahead and start, because I already have a first imagine in mind. I'll also bring back requests but I'll only be doing some at a time. And by some, I mean like 3, lol.

Anyways, I'll give y'all an update once it's published.

Oh, and I have a book called Escape. It's not OBJ related but still, I would like if y'all checked it out.


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