XL・The Coach Daughter

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"Dad why can't I just stay home?" You whined to your dad as you sat in the passenger seat of his Metallic Chrysler 200.

"Your mom is working overtime at the hospital for the next 2 weeks. And you know I don't trust you from what happened last time." He said sternly. You sighed and rolled your eyes at him.

When you were 15, your mom and dad was at work, so you decided to sneak your boyfriend Nelly in and you both just chilled. You didn't know your dad practice got canceled due to the thunderstorm coming y'all way and he was coming home. When you heard the door unlocked and you started to panic. You tried to sneak Nelly out the window but it was already too late. Your dad walked in...and he was furious.

He made you and Nelly break up, he transferred you into an all girls preparatory academy, and you were grounded for about 3 months. Since then, your father hasn't trusted you.

"Dad, that was 2 years ago! I'm about to turn 18 in less than a month! I learned my lesson. I don't wanna be in the hot sun watching sweaty guys run up and down the field getting hit."

Your dad glanced at you then back on the road, "I don't care YN. You know I haven't trusted you since then. Also, don't you talk to none of my players."

"Dad, who's gonna wanna talk to me? I'm in a blazer, white button up with a tie, an ugly plaid skirt, knee high socks, and some black flats." You scoffed and snatched your tie from around your neck.

"So what? Put your tie back on YN." He demanded. You groaned and slipped it back on. This was bullshit.

He pulled into this huge high school and parked the car. You both got out and you followed him to a large locker room which smelled feet, must, and ass. You covered your nose as you walked through the stink. You dad told you to sit in his office room and closed the door. You sat in the office chair and watched outside the large glass window. Suddenly a bunch of guys in football uniforms swarmed the locker room.



Coach called all of us inside the locker room. We went in and stood across from him. My eyes landed on the girl in his office. She was fine as fuck in that uniform. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. Her eyes met mines and she looked down and smiled. I smirked at winked at her. Coach must've caught me cause he started yelling.

"Beckham! Did you hear me?!" I snapped out of it and looked at him, nodding my head. Even though I ain't hear a damn thing he said.

"Anyways, that girl back behind me," He pointed back to the glass window where she was sitting. "Is my 17 year old daughter! Don't y'all try and hit on her cause I will kick ya ass off the team! Do y'all understand?!"

"Yes coach!" We all chanted loudly in agreement.

"Alright! Let's go!" He yelled. We all ran out the locker room and ran on the football field.


"Come on YN." Your dad the door and told you. You got up and walked out with him. You followed him out on the football field. You sat on the last row of the bleachers and took out your phone and earphones.

. . .

The whole practice, your eyes kept following the football player that you locked eyes with in the locker room. The back of his jersey printed "Beckham Jr." Even his last name was sexy.

After 2 hours of watching guy run up and down the field, and getting hit, practice was finally over.

Your dad reminded them about something before dismissing them all. You stood up from the bleachers and walked over to your dad. He walked inside the high school building and turned back to you.

"I need to go see the boss. I'll be back in 5 minutes. You, go wait in the car. You better be there when I get back." He warned and walked away.



I leaned back on the school wall, waiting for my dad to pick me up from practice. I heard footsteps so I turned my head to see coach daughter walking toward me. I smiled and stood up straight and tall. She walked in front of me and waved.

"Wassup. What's ya name?" I asked her. She giggled and took the ponytail holder out her hair, letting her hair fall.

"YN. What about you?" She ran her fingers through her hair cautiously.


She smiled at me, "I like that name."

"Thanks ma. I know I'm moving a bit fast but may I have your number?" I asked with politeness in my voice.

She went in her purse and took out a paper and pencil. She wrote a number down and handed it to me.


"No problem." She looked down at her watch and her eyes suddenly widen. "Uh oh. I gotta go. I'll text you later Odell. Bye!" She ran off so quick that I didn't even have a chance to say bye.

Jarvis came and slapped my back, "Alright man I see you with coach daughter. Be careful and don't get caught." He gave me a heads up. I shrugged my shoulder.

"Don't worry bout me. I won't get caught, trust me."

He scoffed, "I'm just letting you know. You're risking your football reputation over coach daughter. You better not let him see you talking to her cause if he do, that's the end of your reputation." I seen his mom pull up in front of the school. He grabbed his duffel bag and slung it over his shoulders. "I'll see you later." He walked out, leaving me alone.

I'ma try my hardest not to get caught.


Y'all turned into ghost readers omfg. I barley get votes and comments now. What happened? Y'all died? Are my imagines getting boring? I'm sorry😭 I'm trying. I'm losing my writing touch cause of school. I'm stressed.

Exams are over though. Thank god. But really guys vote and comment, I feel like y'all don't love me no more *tears up*

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