XVIII・Expect the Unexpected [Pt.2]

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A/N: I really wasn't planning on making a part 2 to this but y'all wanted it so here you go.


It's been a month since you and Odell split and talked. It took you a while to process that he was having a baby with another women but you were slowly getting over it. You decided to stay in the hotel because you weren't ready to go back home to him. You were almost 2 months pregnant and you still haven't told Odell you were carrying his unborn child. But you knew you had to soon because it was starting to become noticeable.

You were in your hotel room sitting on your bed, staring at your phone that was right in front of you. You were wondering if you should call Odell to meet up or not. You sighed and picked up the phone, looking for Odell contact.

You clicked the phone and waited for him to answer. After three rings, he picked it up.

"Hello?" He answered. You got chills just from hearing his voice again.

"Um, are you doing anything right now?" You asked, playing around with your fingers.

"Yeah I'm at the mall. Why wassup?"

"I wanted to talk to you." You said while getting off the bed and grabbing your suitcase, throwing it on the bed.

"Oh alright. Text me when you here so I can tell you what store I'm in."

"Okay, bye." And with that you hung up.

You opened your suitcase to find something to wear. It was pretty cold outside so you took out your cream colored knitted sweater, light denim jeans, and leopard print Bailey Bow Uggs. (Outfit in the MM if you wanna see)

You went to the bathroom to do your hair. You took it out of its ponytail, letting your hair fall on your back. You plugged in the flat iron so it could warm up. You parted your hair in the middle and once the flat iron was hot you flat ironed your hair straight.


You just walked inside the mall. You pulled out your phone and texted Odell.

2:27 p.m.
To Odell
-I'm here

2:29 p.m.
To You
-Ard come to Babies "R" Us

You put your phone back in your pocket and started to walk to Babies "R" Us.

When you made it inside, you searched for Odell. Then you seen a tall dude with a honey blonde Mohawk. There he was. You went over to him.

"Hey. You look nice." He greeted and complimented.

"Hi Odell and thanks." You looked down shyly. He pulled you into a long hug.

It's been so long since you two seen each other and honestly it felt good to hold him again.

You finally pulled away and rubbed your hands together. "So what are you doing here?"

He was about to answer when you seen Nia come over to him with baby clothes.

"Oh. Never mind."

"I remember you. You're the one that answered Odell door that month."

No shit Sherlock.

You looked at her and slowly nodded. "Yeah I am."

She shrugged then turned her focus on Odell. "Anyways, I found some things for the baby girl."

"That's really nice. I like it."

"I do too. I can't wait till she comes." Nia rubbed her belly.

"Me neither." He smiled happily.

You chewed on your bottom lip as you watched them two. It was too much to handle. You wished that was you and Odell. You ran out the store with tears in your eyes.

"Aw damn. YN, baby, come here!" He yelled, chasing after you.

You sat on the bench in front of the water fountain and buried your face in your hands. Odell finally found you and sat next to you, embracing you. You cried in his chest like a baby.

He let you go and wiped your tears with his thumb. "YN, I'm sorry okay. I don't want to make you feel like I'm starting a new family with her."

"You are though Odell! She's pregnant with your baby! That's starting a family." You sniffled and rubbed your eyes.

"Im not. We're just shopping for the baby. I don't want anything do with her. I'm just there because of our baby. I really miss you baby." You looked at him.


"Yes. Now stop crying and wipe those tears so I could see those beautiful eyes." He handed you some napkins. You wiped your face and eyes.

"Now wassup? Why'd you want to meet up and talk?" He asked.

You took a deep breath. "....Because I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant..." You breathed out.

Odell looked like he seen a ghost. You snapped and called him but he was just...frozen.


Aye this was kind of long. I didn't know what I was gon do for this part but I pulled it off. Might as well make a part 3. Vote and comment though. Much loveeee.

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