XII・The Inmate [Pt.5]

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You took your boss word for it. You didn't talk to Odell anymore. You cut off everything y'all had going on. He thought you were kidding but you weren't.

You were currently outside with the inmates. You sat under the shade at a table, just picking at your nails. That was until Odell came over.

"Hey ma."

You knew other officers were probably watching. "Get the hell away from me inmate." You said cruely, not bothering to look at him.

"What's up with you lately? You been acting distant with me." He questioned.

"Didn't I say get away from me?!" You snapped and turned your head facing him.

He nodded and kissed his teeth. "Oh alright. I see how it is. See you later, officer. He walked off, going back over to his homeboy.

You exhaled and rubbed your temples. You didn't want to do that but that's what it came down to.


After a long day of work, you were finally off. You walked past your boss offices but he called you. You mentally rolled your eyes and slowly stepped back until you stopped in front of his door.

"Yes sir?"

"Come in." You walked in to see Odell sitting in a chair in front your boss. Oh god.

You didn't make eye contact with Odell at all. You just sat in the seat that was beside him, not saying a word.

"This inmate told me you've been trying to bribe him to get him out of prison if you had sex with him."

"What?! That's not even true!" You stated truthfully. You never bribed him into having sex with you.

"Have you been having interactions with his inmate?" He crossed his arms.

You looked down and nodded. You didn't even want to look at your boss because you were too embarrassed. You regretted all of this.

"Mhm. So you lied?"

"Yes sir, I did. But I was scared if I told you I have been having interactions with this inmate." You fiddled with your fingers.

"Right. Not only that you've been interacting with an inmate, you lied also. I'm sorry but you're fired. Turn in your badge and uniform by next work."

You wanted to break right down right then and there. You actually liked your job and there was no point into fighting for it. He made it clear.

You looked at your boss with watery eyes. "Yes sir." Your voice was all shaky.

You stood up and walked out with your head hung low. You were about to walk out the building when you heard Odell laughing. You looked back.

"I'm so sorry officer. Boo hoo." He laughed evilly.

You stormed up to him. "You fucking liar! Not only that you lied to my boss, you made me lose my job!" You screamed while tears ran down your face.

"Aww. Poor you." He said unsympathetically. "Don't worry you'll get another job. Just don't lose it again by trying to seduce your co-workers."

That was the final straw. You attacked Odell with punches. At his chest, face, and stomach. You didn't care. You weren't afraid to fight no guy.

You felt someone pull you off of him. It was your boss of course. You snatched away from him.

"Get off of me! I'm getting the fuck out now!" You shouted and grabbed your stuff, leaving the building.


Man I don't even know. If the characters in the book make you mad by doing something, then I'm doing my job right lol. This week is going by fast though. Next week is our last week till Christmas break so yay. Comment and vote.

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