V・Caught [Pt.2]

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Your dad and Heather paced back in forth in the living room. You didn't know what was gonna happen next. You were terrified.

"I don't even know where to begin..." Your dad exhaled. He looked at Odell like he wanted kill him. "I should kick your ass right now."

Odell didn't even say anything. You could tell he was scared too. Which was a first.

"So is this what the fuck y'all do when we're not home?!" Your dad shouted, you seen a vein pop from the side of his head. He was beyond furious.

"Dad, no. We were just caught up in the moment." Your dad turned back and looked at you.

He pointed. "You are on thin ice right now! Just wait until I tell your mother."

"Tell my mom? For what dad? I'm 19 going on 20 in less than a month! It's not like I'm 13! This is what I wanna do! I'm grown!" You defended yourself.

The room became silent. "Oh you're grown? Alright. Since you're so 'grown,' get out." He said sternly.

You couldn't believe the words that just came out his mouth.

"Honey, that's a little harsh, don't you think?" Heather asked.

He folded his arms. "Nope. She's grown."

"Dad I didn't mean—" You started but he cut you off.

"I don't want to hear it. I want you out of here. End of conversation." He dismissed before going upstairs to his room with Heather.

You looked at Odell with tears in your eyes. You ran upstairs in your soon to be old bedroom. You took out your black duffel bag and shoved clothes in there. Once you had enough clothes, you grabbed your phone charger. You were about to leave your room, but then you seen Odell standing there by the doorframe.

"I'm really sorry YN. It's all my fault. I should be the one leaving not you." He looked down. "I feel real bad."

You shook your head. "It's too late Odell. You heard my dad. And you know when he says something he means it. I'm just gonna find a place to stay." You walked past him and down the stairs.

"What place YN?" He was so concerned about you right now which was crazy cause you two nearly hated each other earlier.

"I don't know. I mean I only have 50 dollars. I don't have enough to stay at a hotel so I guess I'll just stay in a motel for the night." You suggested but Odell shook his head.

He dug into his pocket and took out a 50. He handed to you with a smile. You took it and smiled back at him.

"Thank you Odell."

"Welcome." You walked to the door and opened it, leaving out.


You've been walking for about 30 minutes now. It was around 11:45 at night and you were scared and tired, just ready to fall on your face.

You stayed on the sidewalk, searching for a hotel when you heard a car engine. You looked back and seen two headlights. You began to speed walk, getting even more scared. The black van drove right beside you then stopped.

You dropped your duffel bag and ran as fast as you can. You heard the van door close and heard footsteps from the back. The people grabbed both of your arms and dragged you back to the van. You screamed and kicked, trying to get out their grip. They finally shoved you in the back of the truck.

You couldn't see the faces cause they wore black ski masks over their face. You were screaming, kicking and crying. One of them took the duck tape and stamped it on your mouth. He also grabbed some ropes and tied your arms behind your back.

They got out and closed the back door. You heard the door close once again and felt the van moving.


I didn't plan on making this a little short story but I didn't know how to end it, so I just continued it with some suspense. Continue to vote and comment guys.

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