XLIV・Play Fighting Goes Wrong

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(A/N: Just by reading the title, y'all know some crazy shit is gonna go down lololol)


I sat comfortably on the gaming chair in the game room, playing Grand Theft Auto V on my PS4 when YN came in, in some short ass shorts, and plopped herself on my lap.

"Babe..." She said rubbing her hands up and down my chest. I heard her, but I wasn't focused on her. I was doing a mission that needed to be completed.


"Odell, I'm bored and I want your attention. Please turn off the game." She demanded, politely.

"No not right now YN, I'm doing a heist." I rejected, my eyes still glued on the tv. She started slowly grinding on my lap, trying to form a bulge in my shorts.

I kissed my teeth and scooted her off, "YN stop playin'. We can do all that later." I heard her groan and stomp her foot. Oh well.

I was about to complete the heist until YN snatched the controller out my hand and started running with it. This fucking girl...


You ran all around the house with Odell's controller. He chased you, yelling for you to give back his controller. You were downstairs running, when you decided to make a run for it and ran upstairs inside y'all bedroom. He playfully tackled you down on the bed.

"Gimme my controller YN or Ima' hurt you." He chuckled, pinning you down.

"Hurt me, see what happens." You dared him. He pinched your thigh before getting off the bed. You got off the bed, glaring at him, "See now we gotta fight." You slapped his arm.

You two started play fighting with each other. Soft hits were thrown, laughter was being exchanged. Well that was until Odell smacked your face hard. You fell to the ground, curled into a ball, and started crying.

"Oh shit. Baby, I'm sorry! So sorry! Get up!" He apologized repeatedly, trying to grab your hand.

You jerked away and balled up your fists before getting up and attacking Odell with punches. You were serious now.

"You fucking asshole! You play too much!" You shouted, continuing to punch Odell on his chest and face.

And this is where it turned into an actual fight

Odell, angry, grabbed you from the bottom and body slammed you hard on the bed. The bed starred creaking and then collapsed to the floor. Y'all didn't care though, well at the moment. You began to tug at his curly blonde hair tips, trying to drag him. He tackled you both off the bed and on the floor. You punched him, he scratched you, and horrible words were being exchanged.

He threw you against the wall and was about to attack you when you kicked him in his nuts. "Fuck!" He yelped out and dropped to his knees, holding his area.

"Bitch." You hissed at him. You heard a knock at the door so you went downstairs to open the door to see Jordan and Jarvis.

Jarvis looked you wide eyed meanwhile Jordan was standing there smiling. "Well hey! Ya look good!"

You rolled your eyes. "Shut up Jordan."

"What happened to you?" Jarvis asked. Your hair was all over the place, your shirt was ripped up, and you had scratches all over, and your face was hurting when Odell slapped you. By the way your back was still hurting from him slamming you to the wall and body slamming you. Odell came down the stairs, limping but he tried to play it off. Jarvis eyes skated over to Odell. "Damn what the fuck were y'all doing?"

Odell's hair was all over, barley in the curl pattern it was in, he had scratches all over, mainly his face, and you were pretty sure his balls were throbbing. "We were play fighting until I smacked her hard then we got serious."

Jordan pulled out his phone and went on Snapchat. He pressed the big circle at the bottom and started recording you both. "When play fightin' goes wrong." He started laughing and ended the recording. He wrote something then added it to his story.

"Fuck you Jordan." You and Odell both said at the same time.


All I have to say is lmfaooo. Vote and comment.

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