XXX・A Day Out [Pt.4]

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When Odell asked you that, your heart starting racing. You sighed continued to drive. "Yes, I was being abused."

"How long?" Odell asked. You could tell he was becoming pissed he tapped his foot against the car ground.

"Almost 2 years." You said truthfully. Odell looked at you and balled up his fists.

"Almost 2 years?! YN what the fuck that nigga could've killed you! Why didn't you tell anyone?!" He yelled at you.

"I couldn't tell anyone! He threatened to kill me if I told anyone!" Tears fell from your eyes as more flashbacks popped up in your head.


Bryson threw you to the wall, making you fall to the floor. He stomped over to you and you screamed out nothing but pain when you felt your nose being connected to his kneecaps. He kicked you until blood was flowing from your nose. This guy literally had no mercy when it came to abusing you. He gave you one last hit to the nose before you dropped to the ground.

"I dare you to go and tell somebody too! I swear to god I will kill you!" He stomped your face with his shoe.

You cried even harder and held your nose. The amount of blood that flowed from your nose onto your hand made you dizzy and next thing you know, you passed out.


By now you just cried, letting the tears stream down your face. Odell opened Imani's glove compartment and saw the napkins she had stashed from all the fast food places she went to. He grabbed a napkin and wiped your teacher.

"C'mon, stop crying. You're too pretty for that." Odell continued to wipe the tears in your eyes.

You sniffled and kept your focus on the road. You were lucky to be alive today because Bryson done some real deadly shit towards you.

"Are you mad at me?" You glanced at Odell then back at the road.

He sighed. "No. I just wanna kill him right now. I wish I knew you longer cause I would've been put that nigga 6 feet under." He growled.

You giggled at him. It's crazy how you two met today and it feels like you been friends with each other for ever. You followed Jarvis into his this neighborhood until he made a right turn into a driveway. Welp, I guess this is his house. You pulled in beside them and got out with Odell. Everyone met up at Jarvis doorstep, while he got out his house keys and unlocked the door.

Everyone went inside and Jarvis closed the door behind him. "Alright, me and Imani going upstairs to my room. Y'all don't fuck my shit up." He warned and held her hand. They both went in the room and just heard the door close.

"They about to fuck." You and Odell said the same time. You both shared a laugh together then went in Jarvis living room.

"Aye you wanna play Just Dance 2 on the Kinect?" Odell asked. You nodded and smiled.


"Don't, don't, don't, don't stop the beat
I can't, can't, can't, can't control my feet
P-P-P-People in the street
C'mon everybody and move your feet
Don't stop (don't stop) don't stop the beat
I can't stop (can't stop) can't stop the beat
I won't stop (won't stop) won't stop the beat, go."

You tiredly dragged yourself to keep up with the dance moves while Odell, on the other hand was getting perfect scores, even though he had sweat all over his face. Once the dance finished, of course he won. He fell back on the couch and ended up falling on top of him. His uneven breathing and yours were the only thing to be heard.

"I'm sorry." You chuckled and was about to get up and sit next to him when he pulled you down.

"Nah you good ma. Ion mind." He had a smirk plastered on his face. You playfully hit his chest and laid back on him.

Imani and Jarvis came downstairs together looking rough as fuck. You could tell they were getting it in. They eyed you and Odell.

"Y'all been fucking?! Y'all nasty." Y'all nasty?! Imani hair was all over the place, Jarvis pants were unzipped, and they both were breathing hard. Yet y'all are the nasty ones.

"We weren't even fucking!" You said to them. "We were playing Just Dance and got tired and just crashed anywhere. If anyone's nasty and been fucking, it's y'all." You folded your arms and looked them up and down.

".....Playing Just Dance 2? We wanna play!" Imani changed the subject and ran in front of the tv. You and Odell laughed and went back up to the tv with her.

"Me and Imani vs Odell and YN. Y'all ready?" Jarvis walked up.


Today has been the most craziest and fun day you've ever had in a long time.


The dance YN and Odell played in the MM. I'm also bringing back the "Plus Size Princess." I just have to make some changes to it. Vote and Comment.

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