XLII・Going Out

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I slipped on my red bottoms before walking over to the body mirror, scanning my outfit. Tonight, I was going out with my girls.

Odell came upstairs and walked inside the room. When his eyes landed on my outfit he made a face.

"Where the hell you think you going looking like that?"

"Out, with my girls." I said grabbing my clutch off the bed.

"No you not Alex. So take that shit off now." He demanded, but of course I refused.

"No. You don't tell me what to do." I rolled my eyes. His overprotectiveness was annoying at times. Especially times like this.

"I'm not about to have you go out with some short ass dress on showing yo shit to everyone."

"I have on fucking panties Odell! The dress isn't even short! I'm not about to go out with some long ass dress so stop!" I heard a horn honk, meaning my friends were here.

"I'm leaving." I said walking downstairs and out the door. I got inside the passenger seat of my friends car with my face fixed up.

"You alright girl? You seem a little...agitated." My friend Chanelle asked me while backing out our house driveway.

"Odell and I got into a mini argument. He's always being overprotective. Like you're my boyfriend, not my brother. I know what to do and what not to do. Damn." I sat back in the seat and sighed.

"It's okay. Don't let that affect your night. We're gonna have fun." My other friend Kehli said from the backseat.

"You right." I agreed with her and smiled.


I kind of struggled to put the key in the lock. It was 1 in the morning and I was slightly intoxicated. After 5 attempts, I finally got it in and unlocked the door. I walked inside the closed the door shut. I sighed and kicked off my red bottoms before holding on to the stair railing and wobbling up the stairs.

I opened the bedroom door to see Odell watching ESPN. He got up from the bed and walked over to me.

"You done bendin' it over for everyone in the club?" He asked smartly. I rolled my eyes and snarled at him.

"Shut the fuck up Odell. I didn't bend shit over for anyone cause I have a boyfriend."

"Well you dress like you don't." I was kinda taken back by that comment he made.

"What you tryna say?! I'm a hoe?" I folded my arms and squinted my eyes.

He just sat at the end of the bed and looked at the tv. Are you serious?

"Fuck you Odell, you're an asshole." I scoffed and went inside the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.


When I came out the bathroom I was immediately pushed up on a wall by Odell. I stared at him, my eyes filled with hate.

"You gon' watch who you talkin' to." He growled.

"Shut the fuck up. You ain't my daddy." I spat, still eyeing him down.

"I'm not yo daddy? You sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow. I nodded my head and a smirk slowly appeared.

"Yup. You ain't my daddy."


"Shit Odell!" I gasped and dug my nails deep in Odell's back. He rocked in and out of me roughly.

"Now what were you saying..I'm not your daddy?" He questioned me while continuing to thrust inside me.

"I-I'm s-sor..." I couldn't even get my words out. I threw my head back as my chest went up and down. I was tired as shit.

Suddenly I felt a warm tongue on my right breast. He licked and sucked on my boob, forming a hickey. With his free hand, he massaged the left one. I bit my lip and enjoyed the pleasure.

He started grinding, brushing against my g-spot with every thrust. I grabbed onto the bed sheets and moaned loudly.


"Who's daddy?" He asked and slowed down his grinding, turning me on even more.

"I...I don't know." I taunted, knowing damn well I knew. I just wanted to piss him off.

He started going faster.

"Ima ask you again...who's daddy?" He repeated. When I didn't answer, he pulled out and turned me over on my stomach. He arched my back and stuck my ass in the air.

He shoved himself inside me without warning, causing me to scream out. Then he smacked my ass...hard. I started whimpering, about to cry. He has huge, heavy ass hands.

He didn't waste any time, thrusting hard in me, pushing my g-spot. I groaned and moaned in the pillow. He came down and whispered in my ear,

"Still don't know who daddy is?"

Damn I just wanted to surrender right now. I might just will.

"Mm mm." I shook my head. He chuckled and grabbed my waist, pushing me back and forth on his manhood.

"Fuck." He groaned. As long as I tried, I couldn't hold it in any more.

"Daddy, I'm close!" I notified him. He started slowly down and grunting.

"Shit me too." He said. His thrust at started to get sloppy and I came hard on him. He bit his lip and came right after him.

He pulled out and fell on the bed. The lower half of my body fell and I rolled over next to him.

He looked at me with a smirk, "I'm daddy?" His eyebrow raised.

I nodded slowly and kissed his lips, "Yes you are."


Here ya go @bossyqueenin_lexx, I hope you enjoyed it. One imagine request down, like 28 to go lol. I didn't know I was gonna get so many requests. Some of them are so brilliant. Anyways vote and comment.

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