VI・Caught [Pt.3]

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Its been 2 days since YN was kicked out. She hasn't came back yet, and it started to bother me. She had 100 dollars which gave her one night at a hotel, so now I wondered where she was. My ma and her dad both got into a heated argument last night about her. My ma was talking bout how we need to go search for her but he refused talking bout "She needs to learn her lesson." What lesson though? She hasn't done anything wrong.

I was sitting on the couch watching tv when my ma came downstairs with YN's dad.

"Come on Dell. We're gonna search for YN." She said.


It's been 2 days since you've been kidnapped and nobody has attempted to find you yet...well at least that's what you thought. You've been raped and beaten and they starved you.

One of the kidnappers walked in the room, instantly making you nervous. He laid beside you and started to dig his hand in your sweatpants.

"I'm horny right now baby." He whispered in your ear.

"N-No...Please don't do this." You cried.

He took his hands out with a smirk on his face. He yanked off your sweatpants and panties, leaving your bottom half naked. He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his jeans, taking them off.

"Don't worry baby, I'll try not to hurt you."



We've been riding around for about 15 minutes now. We were on our way to find the nearest hotel building until I seen a black duffel bag lying on the ground.

"Wait, stop the car." I said. YN dad pressed down on the brakes hard, making us all jolt forward.

"Look." I pointed over to the black duffel bag. We all got out the car and went over to the bag.

"Y'all this is the same back YN used to pack her stuff." I unzipped the bag open and looked at all the stuff that was in there. It was all YN's.

"This is her stuff." I concluded. That means she couldn't have gotten far without her duffel bag.

"We need to file an Amber Alert." YN dad proposed while rubbing his temples.

"You can't do that." My ma disagreed. "In order to file an Amber Alert, YN has to be 17 or younger."

"Dammit!" He angrily shouted out. "I'm calling the police."


After being raped for the second time, your body was worn out. Your body was aching and you felt like you couldn't go on anymore.

One of the kidnappers walked through the door with a plate in his hand. It wasn't the one that raped you, it was a different one. He sat next to you on the bed and sat the plate on your lap. He unchained you from the bed. You rubbed both of your wrists, that were red.

"This is probably the only time you would be unchained. Eat up." He got off the bed. "I gotta go piss." When he was walking to the bathroom, his phone fell from his back pocket.

You took it as a chance and went to go her the black iPhone 5s. You got back in bed and dialed your dads phone number.

Two rings later he answered. "Hello?"

Your heart skipped a beat just hearing his voice. "Daddy. I'm kidnapped by the 4 kidnappers. I'm scared." You whispered in the phone.

"Darling, describe where you are at."

"U-Uhm I think it's a trap hou—"

"You little bitch!" The kidnapper deep voice boomed. He stormed over to you and took a handful of your hair.

He threw you on the floor and grabbed the phone, ending the call. He punched you dead in the face, and knocked you out cold.


Asdfghjkl. I'm overwhelming myself just by writing this lol. It's getting pretty intense though. Continue to vote and comment I love to see votes and comments in my notifications. Be on the lookout for the next part.

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