XXXIV・Pep Talk

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This football season has been rough for Odell. From the gay slurs, the fighting with Josh Norman, and being on suspension had stressed him out, which worried you. He felt as if everyone hated him.

Odell laid in bed in the dark with his phone in his hand.

"Baby," You knocked on the door and walked in with a plate full of food. "I made you dinner."

He didn't say anything. You sighed and turned on the light and set the plate on the nightstand. You took his phone out his hand to see what he was doing. He was on Instagram reading his comments. You couldn't believe the amount of hate he was receiving.

He had people calling him a faggot, telling him how much of a pussy he was, how he's weak and got his ass beat by Norman. It made you sick to your stomach.

Odell couldn't even take it anymore that he broke down into tears. You jumped into the bed and hugged him, rocking you both back and forth. He laid his head on your chest while he continued to cry. You felt so bad that you started to cry. You never seen Odell cry like this.

"I can't do this shit no more YN." Odell cried harder, wrapping his arms around you.

"No no no. Odell, baby, don't say that. You can." You picked his head up and wiped his tears with your thumb.

"No I can't. I don't wanna be a football player anymore. I don't even wanna be on this planet anymore." Your heart started to hurt when you heard him say that.

"Don't talk like that Odell! I don't want you to take your life over something like this!" Tears started to form in your eyes.

"Everybody hates me!" He yelled as more tears ran down his face. "I got people questioning my sexuality, and apparently I'm a pussy ass nigga!"

" have a wife and a baby on the way in 4 months! You aren't gay obviously and you aren't a pussy either! Fuck the media! All they try to do is tear people down! And that's what they're doing to you!"

He didn't say anything else. He just looked down at your 5 month pregnant belly and placed his hands on it.

"Odell, you're a strong 23 year old and your life is just beginning. I remember when you were first drafted for the New York Giants and the media started all those rumors about you...but you didn't give a fuck. What happened since then?" You asked him. He looked at you and shrugged his shoulders.

"I honestly don't know. This shit has gotten so stressful it's hard not to give a fuck." He stated truthfully.

"You're a solider baby, and you're a great football player. One of the best young football players in the NFL, if you ask me. All of this shit would blow over soon trust me. The media moves onto something new every hour or two. When you're suspension is over, I want you to be a beast out there. Don't give a fuck what anyone tells you. Understand Dell?" You questioned him with seriousness in your voice.

"Yeah ma. I'ma make you...and you proud." He smiled and kissed you and your belly.

"One more thing. I'm temporarily disabling your Instagram account and changing your password. I don't need you to be on there, reading all them bullshit comments." You went on his account from his phone to disable his account and change his password.

"I'm fine with that." He chuckled. It made you happy to see him smile again. That's what you wanted to see.

You kissed his lips before getting out the bed to go downstairs. "Okay eat up. I'll be downstairs cleaning up."

"Wait," He stopped you. You turned around with a smile on your face.


"Thank you. For everything baby. I really needed that talk." He thanked you.

"I'm your wife...its my job. You're welcome hun." You smiled at him and left the room.


First off...Shout out to nkiyaaa for this brilliant imagine idea for me to write. I really enjoyed writing this.

Second...I'm doing most of y'all imagine ideas because they were so clever and seemed fun to write.

Third...School is back in session tomorrow. So there won't be as much updating. I probably won't update this week or next week because it's final exams. After that I should be back.

Vote and comment though, and read my other story Plus Size Princess please.

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