XXII・Dinner W/ Family

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(YN dinner outfit in the MM)

You were getting ready to have dinner with your family and Odell. It was Odell's first time meeting them you and you were more nervous than he was.

"Baby have you seen my all black shoes?" Odell asked as he rummaged through the closet.

"Yeah it's in downstairs closet." You said while curling your hair.

"Thank you." He said before going down the stairs and coming back up the stairs with his shoes.

You curled the last piece of your hair and unplugged the flat iron. You went into the closet and took out your nude color heels. You slipped it on and looked at yourself in the mirror.

"How I look?" You asked turning to Odell. He tied his right shoelace snd looked up at you.

"Sexy as hell. That ass is calling me." Odell got up and smacked your ass, making your shriek.

"Ow Odell!" You rubbed your butt and pouted. "That hurts."

"Sorry ma. You ready to go?" You nodded and grabbed your brown MK bag, walking down the stairs. You went out the door and Odell followed, closing the door and locking it.


You and Odell stood in front of your parents door waiting for one of them to open the door. About a minute later the door swung open and your mom pulled you into a big hug. She pulled away and turned to Odell. He stuck his arm out to shake but she gave him a bear hug.

"Hi sweetie. You must be Odell." He nodded in reply. She smiled and brung you two inside.

Your dad was sitting on the couch watching football.

"Daddy!" You ran cautiously over and attacked him with a hug. He hugged you back and kissed your cheek.

"Hey pumpkin. How you been?" He asked setting you beside him.

"Good. I want you to meet that special guy I've been talking about." You went over and grabbed Odell hand and brung him over to your dad.

"Daddy, this is Odell. Odell, this is my daddy." You introduced them both. Your dad stood up and mean mugged Odell. Oh god.

"Wassup son!" Your dad dapped him into a hug. You sighed in relief.

"Hello sir." Odell chuckled.

"So you're the lucky one that's dating my princess huh." Your dad sat back down.

Odell nodded. "Yes I am."

"Alright. You seem like a nice guy. Make yourself at home son." He said. Odell sat next to him and they both watched football together.

You went in the kitchen where your mother was and stood next to her. "I think they'll get along."

Your mom nodded and smiled. "I think so too. Odell seems like a sweet, nice guy."

"Yeah. Where's Zaria?" You asked, referring to your 17 year old baby sister.

"She went to the store to get a few things. She should be here in a little while." Right after your mom said that keys jingled and the door unlocked. Your sister came in and dropped the groceries on the table.

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