XX・Expect the Unexpected [Pt.4]

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The next morning you woke up to a text message from Odell.

7:45 a.m.
To You
-Can you come by the house please? I wanna explain myself

You rolled your eyes.

7:49 a.m.
To Odell
-No fuck you

7:51 a.m.
To You
-Please YN

7:54 a.m.
To Odell
-No I don't want to deal with you right now. Just leave me the fuck alone

He was working your nerves right now. Just reminded you from everything that happened last night.

7:56 a.m.
To You
-Just come and let me explain myself. Even after that you won't ever have to see me

7:58 a.m.
To Odell
-Fine. I'll be there in 5

You didn't want to go. But you did only because you wanted him to get out your head.


You pulled up at the house and got out your car. You went to the doorstep and knocked on the door. Odell opened the door and had a surprised expression on his face when he seen you.

"Y-YN...Hey." You didn't even say anything you just walked in and sat on the couch.

"You wanted to talk. Go ahead." You stared at him. He furrowed his eyebrows together.

"I never—" He was cut off by Nia coming downstairs.

She hugged Odell and kissed his cheek. "Last night was great babe." She looked at you with a smirk on her face.

"Oh hey there."

"You bastard! You fucking bastard! After everything that happened at the mall, with us, you wanted to end your night fucking her?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?! Is this why you wanted me to come over?!" You shouted at Odell.

"No YN I didn't even tell you to come over!" Your eyes darted at Nia.

"You evil, little scheming bitch! You were up to this shit the whole time! I should bash your head into that fucking wall." You snapped.

"I'd like to see you try." She folded her arms waiting for your next move.

You ran to attack her but Odell grabbed you back. You punched and kicked him for him to release you but he didn't budge.

"Ooh you are so fucking lucky Odell's right here right now cause I would've been slaughter yo dumbass! Sleep with one eye open bitch!"

"YN chill out you're pregnant!" Odell yelled, pulling you away from Nia.

"I don't give a fuck! You better tell your babymama to not fuck with me! I swear to god I will kill her if she comes near me!" You warned him.

He pinned you to the wall and stared you in the eyes.

"Let me go!"

"No. Not until you calm down." He said.

"I'm not gonna be calm if that bitch is in my sight." You growled.

"Nia...Go upstairs." She looked at him up and down with her face fixed up.

"Why?! That hoe ain't gon' do anything." She said ticking you off.

You tried to get out Odell's grip but failed miserably. Instead you shouted at her. "Bitch you're the hoe! You're fucking with a married man! You trifling, desperate, loose pussy ass tramp!"

"Nia! Get yo ass upstairs now!" He hollered. Nia rolled her eyes and stormed up the stairs, slamming the door behind her.

Odell looked back at you. You pushed him off and attacked him next.

"The fact that I cried my eyes out over ya ass last night and I come the next day to find out you fucked her that same exact night really hurts me."

"I'm sorry." Was all he said.

"That's all you do. Say sorry. Sorry doesn't help shit Odell. I'm leaving." You grabbed your stuff and left.



After YN left, I went upstairs to deal with Nia ass. She was laid up in the bed watching tv. I turned off the tv with the remote and looked at her.

"Why'd you do that?" She sat up.

"Why the fuck did you text YN?! Behind my back? You are so fucking evil. I don't know what the fuck got into me yesterday but I regret that shit happened. You almost got yo ass killed by YN!"

"Fuck her! She threatened a pregnant lady! I should get her ass arrested!" She said.

"I would've done the same if I was her. You know what, get your shit. Get the fuck up outta my house. Take yo ass home."

"But Odell..." She tried to come to me but I put my hands up and stepped back.

"Don't do that shit. Get yo shit, get the hell out." I said harshly.

"Who's gonna take me?!" She whined.

"A cab." I grabbed my phone and called the cab.


You just got home from that whole incident with Odell. You were so stressed out. You dropped your things on the floor and was about to go to the bathroom until you felt a sharp pain. The pain started to get worse to the point where you couldn't walk. You began to cry out in pain. Then suddenly you felt blood.

"Oh my god." You screamed and cried even louder. You tried to reach for your phone but you had no luck.

And then you realized you were having a miscarriage.


Oh god. The ending. I started tearing up while writing. Ugh. This is too much. But read the bold print at the beginning if you haven't, serious note. Vote and comment.

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