IX・The Inmate

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Today was your first day as a correctional officer at the mens prison. You were nervous but yet you were ready. You fixed yourself together and got out your car.

You went inside the building and seen one of the lady workers behind the glass. You walked up to the glass with a smile.

"Oh. You must be the new officer." She said unenthusiastically. You didn't like her attitude but you weren't gonna be watching her all day so you brushed it off.

"Yes I am." You answered.

"Okay. Go see the boss in his office to talk."

You didn't even say anything else. You just walked to the back, going to your boss office. Once you finally made it, the door was closed. You knocked softly and waited for him to say something.

"Come in." You opened the door and walked in. He was sitting behind his desk fiddling with one of the drawers.

You cleared your throat, hoping he would realize his new worker is here. He looked at you with a smile.

"Welcome! Have a seat!" He was so bubbly, compared to the lady that worked at the front.

"So. You ready to start?" He clapped his hand together and rubbed them.

"Of course." You smiled. He rolled his chair over to the printer and grabbed a sheet of paper then handed it to you.

"Here's your schedule."

"Thank you." You said before reading your schedule. It was okay. You were working for 9 hours.

"Alright, to help you start off. Everyone is in the cafeteria. The inmates are eating breakfast. If you're having any trouble just ask other officers. Good?" He put his thumb up.

"Good." You put your thumb up. You got up from your chair and left.

You made your way to the cafeteria. When you arrived, all eyes were on you. You ignored the stares and just found a place to stand.



"Y'all heard we was 'pose to get a new officer?" I asked, taking a bit out my waffle.

"Yeah. Rumors say she starting today." My buddy Chris answered.

My eyebrow rose up. "Oh. It's a she."

"Mhm. She might be fine. Unlike all these other manly ass woman officers." Chris said making me laugh. It was true. The woman officers here were ugly as fuck.

"I hope." I sipped on my drink. Suddenly, the cafeteria just went quiet. Everybody was staring at something.

"The fuck is everybody staring at?" I asked Chris. He didn't say anything, instead he pointed his finger to somewhere. I looked behind me and seen the new officer.

She was fine as fuck. This must be a joke. Ain't no way they let her fine ass work at this prison.

She stood by one of the trash can and scanned everyone's faces in the cafeteria.

"Yo she bad as hell." Chris hyped.

A smirked creeped up on my lips. "Yeah. She gon be mines.


Couple minutes you came in the hype went down and everybody went back to eating. I was just looking at everyone's faces.

While I was doing that one of the inmates came to throw his food away. He was fine. He had a curly mohawk with honey blond tips.

He looked at you with a lip bite, making you roll your eyes.

"Wassup officer."

"Get away from me inmate." You said sternly. You tried to make it seem like you weren't playing but deep down inside you were nervous.

"Don't try and act all hard. I know you nervous in here. With all these male criminals. Something might happen to ya little fine ass. Watch out." He chuckled before walking off.

He was a criminal. But he was a fine ass criminal.


Hey guys. It's Friday! I made it through the week. Praise God lol. This might be a short story though. But vote and comment my lovely readers.

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