XXVIII・A Day Out [Pt.2]

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We finally went inside the mall. Jarvis and Imani were walking side to  side, holding hands and talking. Her friend just stayed behind them on her phone. I wanna go talk to her but shit, I don't know how she might react. But she gotta fat ass. Like that shit goes up and down when she walking. If only my di—dammit Odell getcha' nasty ass head out the gutter.

I'm gonna go talk to her though. I jogged up to where she was and tapped her shoulder. She looked up from her phone and at me with a smile. Her eyes. Her smile. Her lips are so damn full and kissable. I just wanted to grab her face and kiss her.

I guess I ended up zoning out from her beauty cause she snapped in my face repeatedly until I came back to Earth.

"Oh shit I'm sorry." I chuckled. "I wanna introduce myself. I'm Odell."

"I'm YN." She said. Damn, even her name was beautiful.

"Well nice to meet you YN." I smiled, shaking her hand, knowing damn well I wanna do more than that.



"Aww! I knew they were gonna hit it off well." I turned back and seen YN and Odell talking and laughing together.

"And to think Odell thought she was gonna be ugly." Jarvis laughed.

"YN thought the same thing! Serious goals as fuck." I said. Me and Jarvis both started laughing together.

"I really love you Imani." He raised my hand that was into his and kissed it.

I smiled at him and pecked his lips. "I love you too baby. You wanna leave them two until we gotta go to the movies?" I asked him. He nodded.

We jogged off, leaving YN and Odell together. I bet you they didn't even notice we left.


"You are too funny Odell." You giggled, clutching your stomach.

"I try I try." He popped his imagery collar, earning another giggle from you. "Um, are you in a relationship?" He asked out of the blue.

You rubbed your arm up and down awkwardly. "No. My last relationship ended kind of...bad." You felt uncomfortable after that. Flashbacks flooded your head.


"You bitch!" Your ex boyfriend smacked you in the face so hard, you fell to the floor.

You held your cheek and looked at him with tears in your eyes. "I hate you!" Boy was that the worse thing you said.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" He stormed over to you.

He dragged you by your hair and dragged you outside where the balcony was. He picked you up and hung you over the balcony. Tears streamed down your face as you screamed and kicked for him to stop.

"You hate me?!" He asked angrily, getting ready to let you fall more than 50 feet above.

"No! No! I don't! Please don't drop me! Please!" You begged him. He slung you back onto the balcony, dropping you on the hard ground.

"Don't chu' EVER say no shit like that! Do you understand me?!" He yelled. You nodded your head.

He had on Timberland boots and he kicked your side hard, before leaving out. You coughed up blood, trying to get yourself up.

You had to escape, and you had to escape quick.


You started tearing up just by thinking about it. You were so young and naive and thought that he really loved you. When you two first met, he was such a sweetheart. But into a couple months of dating, you started to see his true colors. He started abusing you, but then he'll come back and apologize and say he loves you. Of course you were young and dumb so you believed everything he said. He put you in the hospital multiple times. You tried to escape him but you ended up almost getting killed by doing that. But that was the final straw. You knew you had to escape because he would've end up putting you 6 feet under.

"I'm sorry for asking that." Odell apologized. You guessed he probably saw how uncomfortable you felt after answering that.

"Nah it's okay." You said, trying to brush it off. Odell started looking around in confusion.

"Where did Imani and Jarvis go?"

You looked around and noticed they weren't here. "I guess they left."

You pulled out your phone and unlocked it. You went to your text messages and clicked on you and Imani conversations.

5:35 p.m.
To Imani
-Where'd y'all go?

5:37 p.m.
To You
-We walking around I see you and Odell hit it off well so just left you two alone

5:39 p.m.
To Imani
-Ugh I hate you. When does the movie start?

5:41 p.m.
To You
-6:45. Just meet us at the entrance of the theater at 6:3o

5:44 p.m.
To Imani

After that Imani didn't text back. You put your phone away and looked at Odell. He was so damn fine.

"See something you like?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

You playfully rolled your eyes. "Boy, bye."

"I seen the way you stared at me." He looked you up and down and bit his lip.

You giggled. "And I seen the way you dazed out earlier, staring at me."

"Alright, you got that one." He laughed. He took your hand and you both walked into Foot Locker.



We were in Footlocker looking at some sneakers until suddenly I heard a deep voice call her name. She looked back and started tensing up. It was like she was scared of the person.

"Who's that YN?" I asked her.

"M-My ex b-boyfriend Bryson."


Aw damn. I'm starting to get less votes and comments :( Y'all went dead on me? Nah I'm jk I understand it's vacation and y'all doing other things. I'm trying to cut down of the amount of updates per day. But vote and comment.

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