LII・Brother's Best Friend [Pt.2]

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After that heated argument with Jarvis, you decided to stay in your room all evening until your dad came home. He was super excited to see you and you were very happy to see him. Good thing, he didn't feel like cooking so he stopped by the Chinese restaurant and picked up some food for y'all.


Y'all sat at the dinner table in awkward silence. You looked down at your plate and played in the shrimp fried rice.

"I notice there's a lot of tension in the room. What's going on?" Your dad spoke up. His eyes skated from you to Jarvis, waiting for an answer.

"Apparently your daughter is grown enough to take care of herself." Jarvis simply answered and took a bite of the Chinese fried chicken.

"I never said that Jarvis!" You slammed your hand against the table. "I said I was old enough to look out for myself! Two different things!" You raised your voice at him.

"Lower your voice YN. What were y'all even fighting about?"

"A guy." You quickly responded before Jarvis could speak. Your dad glanced at you intensely.

"And his name is Odell." Jarvis added. You glared at Jarvis with your arms folded. You really wanted to kill him at this point.

"Odell? Your friend Odell?" Your dad asked Jarvis, trying to clarify. He nodded and sipped on his fruit punch.

"What's he got to do with this?" He turned to you. "You like him YN?"

"Yeah and he likes her but I'm trying to tell her he's not the type to settle down with a girl. But of course, she doesn't listen." Jarvis explained. You took a deep breath to cool yourself down before doing anything you might regret later.

"I don't remember him asking you and I don't remember your name being YN! So be quiet!" You growled.

"YN, Jarvis is right though. Odell has a new girl every other week. I don't want you talking to a guy like him." He stated in a harsh way.

"That's what I'm trying to tell hard head." Jarvis put his two cents in and smirked at you.

"Shut the fuck up Jarvis!" You finally shouted across the table.

"No you shut the fuck YN." He snarled.

"Y'all both better shut the fuck up with all that damn cursing! I'm the only one who has the right to curse!" Your dad yelled, causing you both to end the bickering. You pushed away from the table and got up.

"I'm so tired of this place! I would rather be with my mom than stay here!" You stormed off, going upstairs to your room. You slammed the door shut and locked it. You flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

It was only your 1st day but it felt like you've been here for months.


The next morning you woke up around 12 in the afternoon and went straight to the bathroom to brush your teeth and all that.

After, you went downstairs. Jarvis was at the table with Odell, talking and eating but that soon came to an end when they both looked at you.

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