XXI・Expect the Unexpected [Pt.5]

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You held your stomach in pain as you cried out for help. The pain was so unbearable that you felt that out were going to die.

"Somebody! Help me please!" You screamed even louder.

Your hotel door was kicked in and a guy came in. He stared at the sight with his eyes widen. He took his phone out and dialed 911. After he got off the phone, he sat by your side.

"Alright listen my name is Kris. I called the ambulance, they'll be here in a moment."

"It hurts so bad!" You cried even harder.

"You're gonna get through this. Don't worry." His motivating words made you feel a little better, mentally. "What's your name?"

"YN YLN." You said.

A few minutes later the ambulance came and took you on a stretcher. They put you in the back of the ambulance truck and drove to the emergency room.



It was 2 in the morning and I was sleep until I was rudely awaken by my phone ringing. This better not be Nia.

"Hello?" I answered, turning on my lamp light.

"Is this Odell Beckham Jr?" The anonymous lady asked.

"Yes. Why?" I sat up and leaned back on the bed headboard.

"This evening your wife YN YLN was rushed to the emergency room. We just thought we should tell you." I started to panic. Oh no.

"What hospital?!" She told me and I thanked her before hanging up. I threw on some sweats and a hoodie, and slides before grabbing my keys and leaving out.


It took 6 hours to take the unborn baby out. You were a crying mess. You blamed yourself for everything. Odell was sad, he was crying, but not as hard as you.

You sat in the hospital bed watching tv while Odell sat next to you, rubbing your hand.

"You okay?" He asked.

"No I'm not okay Odell. I just had a miscarriage. This is the worse shit a mother can go through. I didn't even get to see him/her! This is all my fucking fault!" You screamed.

"No it isn't YN. Stop blaming yourself."

"Yes it is man! I got myself so worked up and stressed out and ended up losing it. I hate myself!" You began to breakdown again. "It's not fair!" You were getting ready to throw stuff across the room.

"YN, stop you're raising your blood pressure." Odell looked at your heart rate monitor.

"Fuck this!" You snatched the IV needle out and got out the bed to push the heart rate monitor down.

Odell quickly got up and held you tightly. You fell to your knees and cried in Odell's arms. He rocked you back and forth, shushing you. You just needed as much comfort as you could get right now.

"It's okay." He kissed your forehead.


A week later you were released from the hospital. At the hospital you and Odell had a long talk and came to a conclusion that you two should just get a divorce. You were sad for a little while but you understood it was best for the both of you.

You walked into your hotel room to see a lot of balloons and flowers. Both of your eyebrows were raised. You went to the flowers and seen a note attached.

Hey. I hope you feel better now princess. -Kris

You smiled. How sweet of him. You wanted to thank him but you didn't have his room number. You had a knock at your door. You went to open it to see Kris.

"Hi! Come in please." He smiled and came in. You closed the door behind him and sat on the bed.

"Thank you so much for the flowers and balloons Kris. And also thank you for being there with me when I was going through that. I really appreciate it." You thanked him with a heartwarming smile.

"You're welcome YN. I'm glad that I was there. God only knows what would've happened if I wasn't there."

You couldn't stop smiling. You gave him a long, tight hug.


(1 year update)

Its been a year since you lost the baby. You cry here and there but other than that you've been fine. Remember Kris? The guy that helped you when you were having a miscarriage? Yeah you two hit it off real well and ended up dating. You two got an apartment, that was pretty roomy. You and Odell haven't seen each other or spoke to each other since you two signed the divorce papers and that was around 8 months ago.

Odell wasn't in any type of relationship. He was taking a break for now. His main priority was his daughter Aubrey right. Him and Nia don't really talk anymore, unless it's about Aubrey. Other than that, he wants nothing to do with Nia. And she's completely fine with that cause she found a boyfriend.

Everyone life was pretty much stabled and good.


The end. Wow that was 5 updates in one day. I'm proud of myself *pats self on back* but I hope you guys liked this short story, I know I did. Vote and comment.

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