LIII・Special Day

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I woke up with feeling excited because today is Odell's and I 5 year anniversary. I alright brought him his gift prior, but he hasn't said anything about our anniversary. Maybe he's keeping it a surprise.

I turned to hug Odell but instead, I caught the air. He wasn't in bed. He must be making breakfast. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and once I finished, I got myself dress and rushed downstairs to the kitchen to find, no one.

What the hell?

Wait, wait, wait, maybe he went out to get my present! He had to! I decided to stay in the kitchen and make breakfast for myself. I cooked heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, and sausage. After, I went to the living room to watch some tv.


9 hours later (7:53 p.m.)

It was minutes to 8 and Odell still wasn't home. I realized he forgotten our anniversary. And I was a total wreck. I sat on the couch eating ice cream and watching love movies. I told myself I wouldn't cry, but I couldn't help but to shed a few tears.

When the movie ended, I felt my eyelids getting heavy and a while later I fell asleep.


10:38 p.m.

I woke up and looked around at my surroundings. I thought everything was a dream until I soon realized it wasn't. I went upstairs to my room and took off my clothes, changing into my black and pink lace pajama dress. I tied my hair up and climbed into bed. My god, I was miserable.

15 minutes later, I heard a door open and close. Odell came upstairs into the room with a huge smile on his face. I ignored him and got out of bed, going straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Well hello to you too, Autumn." Odell chuckled and followed behind me. He wrapped his arms around me but I pushed him away and continued to brush my teeth. After, I walked out the bathroom, back into the bedroom.

Odell knitted his eyebrows in confusion. He followed out the bathroom and sat at the edge of the bed. "So now I can't give my wife a kiss? Autumn what's your problem?"

I scoffed and shook my head in disappointment. He really forgot. This is sad.

"Autumn. What. Is. The. Problem?" Odell repeated himself but became louder. I turned from my drawer and faced him.

"Do you really want to know why I'm angry?" I asked through my gritted teeth. He nodded his head slowly. I sighed and made my way to the closet to get out his gift. I grabbed the large picture frame with pictures of Odell and I over the past 5 years. Our wedding pictures were on there, our yearly vacations, our outdoor activities, even when we were at home, doing nothing. I also took out two boxes and a bucket, full of his favorite things: movies, candies, flowers, and drinks.

I walked out the closet and set all the things next to Odell. "Happy 5 year anniversary." I mumbled before turning around to go on the balcony. I slid the door to the side and walked out.

Odell mouth hung low. He quickly got up and went onto the balcony with me. I had my head down on the railing while tears fell.

"Baby, I'm so sorry! I forgot all about our anniversary!" He rotated me around to him and pulled me in a long hug.

"I don't like you right now Odell. Just leave me alone." I groaned, trying to push away but he wouldn't let me go.

"No. Let me make love to you baby." He whispered. That caught me all the way off guard.

"No Odell." I refused, stubbornly.

"That's the least I can do ma." His hands traveled to my butt and he gave it a gentle squeeze. He's such a fucking tease.

"I really don't like you." I snapped. Out of the blue, I was being lifted bridal style and carried in the room. Odell dropped me on the bed and hovered over me.

I stared at him with my hate filed eyes. I wanted to slap him, hard. I was about to say something but he pressed his lips against mines. Don't give in Autumn. He forgot a very special day. He ran his hand up my thigh, pulling up my dress. No, I couldn't turn this down. I kissed him back and wrapped my hands around his neck. Odell didn't waste any time, deepening the kiss. Right when I was getting in the mood, he pulled away.

I jerked forward and glared at him, "Why'd you stop?" He just chuckled and stripped out his shirt and pants, leaving himself in his boxers where I could see his harden member.

"Take off ya dress ma." He ordered. Being the teasing person I am, I slowly took off the straps and bit my lip. I could tell that Odell was growing impatient cause he kissed his teeth and groaned.

"You taking too long, let me finish." He said, pulling me towards the end of the bed. He lifted my dress up, smoothly sliding it off of me. He threw it to the side before going down to kiss me again.

As we made out, I felt his covered manhood brush up against me. A light moan escaped from my lips. Odell smirked and undid my bra quickly. After he went for my panties. Now I was completely naked. He took off his boxers and pulled the covers over us.

He steadily slid his manhood inside my opening, causing me to slightly open my mouth. He kissed my neck and thrusted slowly inside me. I moaned aloud and inhaled sharply, grabbing onto the sheets.


After Odell and I steamy session, I forgot why I was mad at him. He got out the bed and changed into his boxers and left the room. I sat up and stared at the pitch darkness outside from the bedroom door. A few minutes later, he came back in with a wooden box, a big bear, a pillow, a velvet ring box, and a couple of other things. I gasped in total shock.

"Happy 5th anniversary baby. I love you." He sat the gifts down and kissed my lips.

"I love you too, Junior."


Requested imagine for Flawlesskenzi I hope you enjoyed it boo.

Anyways, I'm going to finish up some other requests. Vote and comment for me please!

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