XVII・Expect the Unexpected

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It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and you were sitting on the couch watching a movie and eating ice cream when there was an unexpected knock at the door. Couldn't have been Odell cause he has keys to the house.

You went to the door and opened it to see a petite pregnant lady with sandy brown hair. She looked like she could be at least 5 or 6 months pregnant.

"Is Odell here?" She asked.

"No, but I can take a message."

"Okay, since he missed our last appointment for the baby, he has to come to this one because this one is very important. We're finding out the gender of the baby." Missed? Our last appointment? Noo.

"O-Oh, um, okay. What's your name?" You choked out, trying not to break down in front of her.


"Okay. I-I'll give him the news." She nodded before walking from the doorstep.

You closed the door and locked it before falling to your knees and bursting into tears. You couldn't believe Odell did this. Basically 4 years of y'all marriage went down the drain.

You got up and grabbed a bat and started smashing all y'all pictures of each other and other glasses. You were both a mixture of hurt and sad.

After you smashed all the glasses you went upstairs and started to pack your bags.


It was around 6:30 p.m. When you heard a door open and shut. Must've been Odell. You were finishing packing your last bag.

"YN!" You heard Odell yell. You didn't bother to go see what he wanted.

You heard footsteps come up the stairs and he came inside the room.

"I know you heard me YN. Why the hell is there glass all over the floor downstairs and why the hell are you packing?"

You turned around so he could see your bloodshot red eyes from crying. "When were you gonna tell me?" You asked pulling the suitcase of the bed and on the floor.

"Tell you what?"

"That you knocked some bitch up! I had to find out by her coming to our house!" You took your wedding ring off and threw it at him.

"Baby, let me explain please." He tried to grab your hands but you snatched away.

"Please don't touch me right now. 4 years of marriage down the drain." You took the handle of the suitcase.

"Don't leave me YN please, I want us to work it out." He pleaded.

"I need time alone, to think." You walked past him and went down the stairs.

You went to get the keys to your car and was about to leave. Odell sat on the 3rd to last stair watching you leave.

You finally left and closed the door behind you. You got in your car and threw the suitcase in the backseat.

You looked down at your stomach and sighed. "And to think I was going to tell him I was pregnant. I guess not." You shook your head and pulled out from the driveway.


Finally got this book together, it's back on track :) Vote and comment babes.

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