XI・The Inmate [Pt.3]

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Lately you and the inmate who's name you found out was Odell, have gotten close. But for some reason you've been having this weird feeling towards him.


"YN it sounds like you like him." Your best friend Gina concluded.

Both of your eyebrows rose up. "Nooo. I don't." You folded your arms in defense.

"Well by the way you talk about him all the time it's hard to believe you don't." She did make a point there. You always did talk about him.

"Look, all I'm saying is be careful. You're a prison guard. Not an inmate. Don't end up like officer Bennett and Daya off of Orange is the New Black." She joked.

"Haha very funny." You said unamused with a straight face.

Gina laughed and grabbed her purse. "I should be getting home. Remember what I told you though." She stood up and went over to the door.

"Okay I'll speak to you tomorrow." You opened the door for her to leave.

She left and you closed the door, locking it. You sat on the couch thinking about what Gina said to you. You shouldn't even worry bout that...you didn't even like Odell...right?


Today was a very busy day at the prison. It was Christmas Day and everyone was running around like a chicken with no head. Visitation day was today so majority of the inmates were getting their hair cut ready to see their family. Others were cooking Christmas dinner.

You were walking through the cells to see if any of the inmates were in there. You walked passed one block and seen someone. You stepped back and looked in the cell to see Odell reading a book.

"Inmate." You smirked walking in his cell. He chuckled and sat up, setting his book down on the bed.


You sat next to him. "Why you not out there? It's Christmas. And visitation day."

"Nobody wanna see me. I barley have any family." He confessed staring at the ground.

"You never told me how you ended up in here." You said. He slowly looked at you.

"You really wanna know?" He asked. You nodded. You were curious.

He took a deep breath and started. "So, I have bad anger issues. And sometimes my anger gets the best of me. One day I was coming home and I seen my friend car in our driveway. I went inside and heard moaning. I became suspicious followed the moans. I found out it was coming from our bedroom. I bust inside to see my friend and my girlfriend having sex together. I was so angry that I stabbed my friend and strangled my girlfriend." He told. After you heard that you felt uncomfortable. You shifted away from him.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Relax." He placed his large hand on your right thigh making chills run through your body.


There was an awkward silence until you both looked up and there was a mistletoe hanging. You looked at Odell and he looked at you.

You both leaned in and kissed each other. In a matter of time things began to get heated. He laid back on his bed with you. His hands ran all up and down your body.

"AYE! ANY INMATES IN HERE?!" You heard a loud female voice and footsteps. It must've been an officer. You quickly got off Odell and stood next to his cell.

"Uh, yeah I was just telling this inmate to get out his cell." You said folding your arms.

The officer looked at you with squinted eyes. "Mhm..get out inmate."

Odell got up from his bed and ran his fingers through his hair. He got up and left, leaving you with the officer.

"What were you two doing?" She asked.

"Nothing." You lied. She sized you with a disgusted look.

"If I catch you doing anything with that inmate..I will go to the boss and get you fired." She said before leaving you alone.

You sighed deeply and left the block.


Hey lovelies. This will probably be my last update until Friday. I have a project that's due Wednesday and I haven't even started. So all day today I'll be doing that. But it's exactly 2 weeks and 4 days till Christmas yaaaaay. I can't wait lol. Comment and vote.

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