X・The Inmate [Pt.2]

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It was in the midday and the inmates were outside. You stood in front of the fence watching them all. But for some reason you couldn't stop thinking about that one inmate from the cafeteria.

What did he mean by watch out? Something happen to you? Puh-lease, you wouldn't dare let one of them inmates touch you.

You soon heard yelling, which snapped your out your thoughts. You turned your head to the side to see two of the inmates fist fighting.

"Oh god." You mumbled before jogging over to the inmates. When you got closer you realized it was the one that was talking to you earlier in the cafeteria.

He was punching the guy right in his face. You blew your whistle and grabbed him. The other officer took the other inmate off the ground.

"C'mon." You took him inside the building. "You're going to the SHU."

"No that's some bullshit! He started it!" He shouted, causing you to flinch. He was so angry that a vein was popping from his head.

"You have to go! That's your punishment!"

"I'm not going." He refused. He stopped walking and leaned back on the wall.

You rolled your eyes and walked over to him. "Look, I'm not about to deal with your stubborn ass. You either suffer the consequences or something worse happens to you."

"What's something worse?" He walked towards you. Each step you took back until you couldn't anymore. He was all up on you.

You couldn't lie, you were terrified, but you weren't about to show your fear.

"I will call the other officers. Don't play with me inmate." He stepped back and chuckled.

"You can't even be taken seriously. Why did you even get this job here?" He asked. You continued to walk with him down the building. It was going to be a long way until you get to the front.

"I need money." You simply answered.

"You gotta boyfriend?"


"Oh okay."

"Why were you and that other inmate fighting anyways?" You changed the subject.

"Because he was talkin' shit about me. I don't tolerate that."

"Mm." You didn't say anything else you two just continued to walk.

"You know you fine as hell?" He looked at you and bit his lip.

You looked down trying not to show that you were a smiling mess.

"Thanks." You said finally putting your head back up.

"You're welcome."

"You know...you don't seem that much of a bad person." You looked at him.

"I know that I'm not..deep down inside I'm not a bad person. I made one mistake and now I'm up in this hellhole." He shook his head disappointedly.

"Wow." You kinda felt bad for him. You two finally made it to the front where an inmate and male officer were in front of a white van.

"24 hours." You told the officer. He nodded. He took the rest of the inmates in the van and they all left down to the SHU.


Heeeeey. I'm going to try and do another update today. Hope y'all having a good Saturday. I'm almost at 200 votes yay. Vote and comment guys. I really appreciate it.

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