LI・Brother's Best Friend

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You knocked on your fathers' door, and waited with your 4 suitcases circled around you.

You used to stay with your mother in Virginia until she couldn't deal with you anymore. You had a smart mouth, and a bad attitude, and she couldn't tolerate it anymore so she made you go live with your father and older brother Jarvis, whom you haven't seen since you were 12. Now, you're 16.

Your friend Kyla, who moved from Virginia to Louisiana, picked you up from the airport and dropped you off.

Now here you were, growing agitated because no one was answering the door. You balled your fist up, ready to bang on the door like the police, but stopped when you heard the door unlock and open.

Your brother Jarvis stood there with a huge kool-aid smile plastered on his face. "Wassup little sis." His eyes scanned you up and down before he raised an eyebrow. "Well, you ain't so little anymore."

You let out a small laugh and pulled him into a long hug. Once y'all pulled away, you sighed and looked around at your suitcases. "Uh, can you help me get these suitcases in?" You asked.

"Oh, yeah." He chuckled before taking the handle of two of your suitcases and bringing them inside. You did the same but gasped when you looked inside.

It was so huge and pretty. You looked up to see a chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"Wow." You said in amazement. Jarvis stood next to you and laughed at your reaction.

"Nice, right?"

"Very nice. Dad has money." You released the handles of your suitcases and sat it where Jarvis placed the rest of your suitcases.

"Wait, speaking of dad, where is he?" You questioned, turning to Jarvis.

"Work. He doesn't get off till 9." He answered, causing you to let out a irritated groan.

"So much for surprising him." You rolled your eyes.

"It's still gonna be a surprise YN. He hasn't seen you in 4 years. Trust me." He said, patting my back. "Come on, let me take you on a tour to show you what you'll be living like." He offered, holding your hand.


15 minutes later, the house tour was over and now you were in the guest room that was now your bedroom. The house tour was cool, your father had a huge swimming pool, and a workout room, plus the 4 bedrooms.

You were currently unpacking your clothes, shoes, beauty care and other things.


An hour and a half later, you were done unpacking. It was now 5:45 p.m. and you just got out the shower. You lotioned up your skin and wore some black shorts and a black and white Nike sports bra. You grabbed your phone and left the room, going down the stairs. You walked into the living room to see Jarvis on one couch and an unknown guy on the other, playing 2k.

He had a huge, curly mohawk with honey blonde ends. He was attractive. He glanced at you up and down and smirked before turning his focus back to the tv. Jarvis looked at you with his eyes wide.

"Oh hell no! Go upstairs and change outta that!" He barked. You made a face and folded your arms in protest.

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