XLV・Then There Were Fewer

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You, Odell, Jarvis, Jordan, Victor, Cam, and your friends, Valori, and Amani all planned this weekend vacation trip to this mountain, cabin resort that was 4 hours away.


"Odell! Hurry up so we can leave! Everyone else is ready!" You yelled from downstairs. Everyone was downstairs at y'all house, with their suitcases, except him.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, damn." He said, walking down the stairs with his suitcase in his hand.

"About time." Jarvis sighed and got up from the couch. "Is everyone here...and ready?"

"Yeah, let's just all go." Jordan said typing on his phone. Everyone got their suitcases and walked out the door.


Odell pulled up in his Rolls-Royce and Cam pulled up right next to him. Everyone got out the car and looked around. It was a huge, pretty lodge standing before you guys.

"My car no longer has any gas..." Cam announced. "It's basically running on fumes."

"There's a gas pump over there, try to see if you can at least get a bit of gas in there." Victor said as he pointed at the gas pump.

Cam sighed, "Alright, I guess." He got into his car and drove over to the gas pump, which was a couple of feet away.

"Anyways, I'm going to go check in. Y'all coming?" Jarvis asked, looking back. You nodded your head and followed him inside.

While you guys were inside, Jarvis turned to you and asked, "Does Odell know?"

You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion. "Does Odell know what?"

"Does he know that you're pregnant?" Your eyes widen a bit. How did Jarvis know you were pregnant?

"How did you know I was pregnant?" You asked, looking around the lodge. You noticed there were nobody inside.

"Valori." He simple answered and chuckled. Of course. Valori was Jarvis fiancée so she's gonna tell him everything.

"No, not yet. I'm just hoping he's ready to be a dad." You sighed and looked down at your one month pregnant belly.

"Don't worry YN, I believe he's ready." Jarvis tried to lighten up your spirits. You cracked a small smile.

"Thanks Jarv." You walked over to the dining area and seen some plates and glass cups with coffee filled in them.

You wrapped your hands around the cup and held it up. You dipped your index finger in the cup then took it out. The coffee was warm.

"Jarvis...There's no one in here, but the coffee is warm." You began to walk away until you almost tripped over something that was on the floor.

You looked down to see a black handbag. You picked it up and set it down on the table next to the food and coffee.

"That's...Strange." He said slowly. Y'all both walked out and went back to where everyone was.

"Y'all checked in?" Amani questioned. You and Jarvis both shook your head.

"No, because there's no one in there. Food is there, and someone's handbag is in there. The coffee is still warm, but there's...no one."

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