XXXVII・Unfinished Love

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You and your boyfriend Michael drove to your ex husband Odell house to pick up your 5 year old son Brayden. It was your 3 days to have him and you couldn't have been any happier.

Ever since you and Odell divorced, y'all had issues when it came to Brayden. You felt like he was getting too much time with him, he felt like he wasn't getting enough time with him. So y'all went down to the court house and did a custody battle. The judge thought the best way was the joint custody arrangement. So Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday you have him. Thursday, Friday, Saturday he has him. Sunday you have him for 12 hours then hand him off to Odell, then it switches.


You pulled in Odell's driveway and stopped the car. You just wanted to get Bray, and get out of there. You couldn't stand Odell, y'all only got along for the sake of Brayden.

You looked over at Michael. "You coming inside?" He nodded and unstrapped his seatbelt.

You both got out and walked to the front door. You knocked on the door and waited. Moments later Odell's girlfriend Farrah opened the door. You hated Farrah.

You and Michael both walked past her and went upstairs.

"Well hello to you too bitch." She rolled and eyes and closed the door.

You walked inside Brayden room and Odell was still packing his bag.

"Odell are you serious?" You folded your arms.

"YN, shut up. You always complaining." He continued stuff clothes in Brayden's mini book bag.

"Don't tell to me shut up. You knew I was coming over here to pick up my son. How the fuck is he still not packed up yet? I'm only spending 3 days with him!" You raised your voice.

"Shut the fuck up YN! Damn!" He shouted at you.

Michael stepped in. "Don't talk to YN like that."

Odell stood up and sized Michael. "What the fuck are you gonna do about it if I continue to?"

Michael pushed Odell forcefully. Odell was about attack him when Farrah held him back.

"Baby stop! Brayden's here!" You rolled your eyes and grabbed Michael's hand.

"I'm going to get my son." You left the room and went downstairs to look for Brayden.

He was in the game room playing on his 3DSXL. He looked up at you and his eyes lit up.

"Mommy!" He got up and ran over to you. You picked him up and gave him a bear hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Mommy missed her baby so so much." You repeatedly kissed his cheek. He giggled and squirmed around.

You let him down and held his hand. "You ready to have some fun with mommy?"

He nodded quickly with a smile. Odell and Farrah walked in with Brayden's book bag.

"You know...Farrah's been thinking if we all go out to eat tonight with Brayden. We need to clear things in the air." Odell said, handing you Brayden's book bag.

You and Michael looked at each other then you looked at Odell and Farrah.

"Where...and what time?" You asked him.

"T.G.I.F at 8:00." You glanced at your clock on your phone which read 5:03.

"Alright..We'll be there." You picked Brayden up and took ahold of Michael's hand. You all walked out the game room and left their house.

Michael strapped Brayden in his car seat then sat in the passenger seat. You got in the drivers seat and started up the car.

This could either be the best thing you agreed to do...or the worse.


Trying to do as much updating as possible because I know after today, I won't be updating that whole week due to exams. Vote and comment lovelies.

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